
MRIP is built on a dual foundation of sound science and public engagement. On the science front, MRIP is informed by the input of expert working groups made up of dozens of NOAA and independent scientists and other professionals working to address the 200 observations and recommendations made by the NRC in the areas of:

  • Effort and Catch Estimation
  • Removal Estimation
  • Data Requirements for Population Assessment
  • Human Dimensions
  • Program Management and Support
  • Communication and Outreach

In terms of public engagement, NOAA continually meets with data partners, managers, state and local officials, fishermen, members of coastal communities and other interested stakeholders to identify and refine their expectations and data, analysis and outreach needs. This approach promotes a survey redesign process that is inclusive and transparent.


MRIP's committee and team members consist of federal and state agency and interstate marine fishery commission staff. Regional Fishery Management Council members and staff, members of the Marine Fisheries Advisory Committee (MAFAC) and its Recreational Fisheries Working Group, and other stakeholders who work with our committees and teams are designated as participants. Members provide comments and advice to NMFS within the terms of reference of their committees/teams. They may be asked to contribute to a consensus position or to provide commentary and advice as a member of a majority or minority of the members. Participants regularly attend the meetings and discussions of the committee/team, and contribute their expertise to the committee's/team's deliberations. However, they are not parties to consensus agreements and other forms of decision-making. Participants in the activities of the Committees and Teams may change over time. Current and recent Participants are listed on each Committee and Team webpage. 

Click here to see a chart of the organization of MRIP.
Click here to see the roles of the MRIP Committees and Teams in the Decision-making process for implementing improvements to our data collection programs.