
View requests for proposals (RFPs)

Subhead: Funding through State Sea Grant programs


In 1999, NOAA National Sea Grant Office and NOAA Fisheries established a Graduate Fellowship Program in two specialized areas: population dynamics and marine resource economics. Population dynamics is the study of fish populations as affected by fishing mortality, growth, recruitment and natural mortality. Ph.D. candidates interested in the population dynamics of living marine resources and the development and implementation of quantitative methods for assessing their status can receive up to three years of funding. Ph.D. students in marine resource economics, concentrating on the conservation and management of living marine resources, can receive two years of funding.

The four main goals of the NOAA Fisheries/Sea Grant Fellowship Program are:

  • To encourage qualified applicants to pursue careers in either population dynamics and stock assessment or in marine resource economics
  • To increase available expertise related to these fields
  • To foster closer relationships between academic scientist and NOAA Fisheries
  • To provide real-world experience to graduate students and accelerate their career development.

To help achieve these goals, each Fellow will be required to work closely with an expert (mentor) from NOAA Fisheries who will serve on the Fellow’s committee. The mentor may also provide access to research data sources and to working/laboratory space in a NOAA Fisheries research facility and/or research vessel, if appropriate.

The award for each Fellowship, contingent upon the availability of Federal funds, will be in the form of a grant or cooperative agreement of $38,500 per year. You must be a currently enrolled Ph.D. student in a U.S. university or college to apply. The award provided to each Fellow for salary (stipend), living expense (per diem), tuition, and travel necessary to carry out the proposed thesis research and to attend the annual Fellows meeting (rotating locations, most recently at the Southwest Fisheries Science Center, La Jolla, program below). Please click on the 'View Requests for Proposals' button for information on the current grant cycle.

For more information applicants should contact their local Sea Grant program or NOAA Fisheries/Sea Grant liaison, Terry Smith (Terry.Smith@noaa.gov).

Annual Fellows Meeting Program – 2012

Fisheries / Sea Grant Fellowship Flyer (pdf)

Photo: Aquatic Invasive Species

Photo: Sea horse

Photo: Oil clean-up

Photo: Starfish