

DOE Office of Science

ORNL Review cover


Call for Proposals
Next submission period will be
Spring 2013 ...more


Information from our recent
2012 CNMS User Meeting
September 14, 2012
Oak Ridge, Tennessee

Submit your ideas for improving CNMS

ORNL Review magazine highlights nanoscience research at ORNL, including feature articles on the CNMS and an interview with CNMS Director, Sean Smith.

Recent Highlights

Delayed Frost Growth on Jumping-Drop Superhydrophobic Surfaces
Doping-Based Stabilization of the M2 Phase in Free-Standing VO2 Nanostructures at Room Temperature
Single-Molecule Mobility in Confined and Crowded Chambers
High Purity Direct-Write Nanoscale Fabrication
A Water-Soluble Polythiophene for ‘Green’ Organic Electronics

Recent News

“Battery Material Prevents Fires, Stores Five Times the Energy,” MIT Technology Review
“ORNL's Sean Smith elected AAAS Fellow,” Atomic City Underground at“ORNL's Sean Smith elected AAAS Fellow,” Atomic City Underground at
ORNL develops lignin-based thermoplastic conversion process
“Catching Lithium Ions in Action in a Battery Electrode,” US DOE Office of Science, BES Highlights


Alexander Tagantsev, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL), February 4

Postdoctoral Opportunities

There are currently 9 open positions.

CNMS Fact Sheets (PDF) Research Capabilities
Active User Projects Sponsor Acknowledgement


Flagships of Nanoscience

The Center for Nanophase Materials Sciences is an Office of Science User Facility operated for the U.S. Department of Energy by Oak Ridge National Laboratory



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Updated Monday, 11-Feb-2013 15:38:38 EST