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Human Resources and Organizational Management

Headquarters Marine Corps

Headquarters and Service Battalion North


To provide operational, administrative, supply services, and logistical support for chargeable, non-chargeable, and attached Marine Corps personnel assigned within the Washington Metropolitan Area to Headquarters Marine Corps, other Departments and Agencies of the Federal Government, Joint or Armed Service Schools and Marine Corps personnel assigned within the Washington Metropolitan Area to duty under instruction, awaiting separation, awaiting assignment or transportation, in a disciplinary status, or who are hospitalized.

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Headquarters and Service Battalion

Emblem of the
Headquarters and Service Battalion North (H&SBN)

Organizational Website
Click Here to View the Organization's Website

Contact Information
Headquarters and Service (H&S) Battalion
HQMC, Henderson Hall

1555 Southgate Road
Arlington, VA 22214

Consolidated Administration
Phone: (703) 614-7171

Civilian Manpower Management
Phone: (703) 693-7329