Federal Supply Schedules

Which Clauses in the Basic Schedules Contract flow down to Task Orders Issued Against Those Contracts?


This is a frequently asked question we cover to some extent in our standard Using GSA Schedules for Professional Services seminar but our friends at the Department of Interior recently pointed out during one of our seminar sessions that there exists no discussion on this topic online (or at least nothing they could find).  Well, I can’t find it either!

Recent Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) Rule Finalizes Enhanced Competition Procedures for Federal Supply Schedules (FSS)

An interim rule was published in the Federal Register on March 16, 2011 increasing competition requirement for Multiple Award Contracts, and implemented Section 863 of the Fiscal Year 2009 Duncan Hunter National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA).

The interim rule enhances competition requirements for orders placed against Multiple Award Contracts, including:

GSA Schedules and IDIQ Orders

Can you place Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) orders against Federal Supply Schedules (FSS)?
Currently, there is no policy in FAR Subpart 8.4 that strictly prohibits the placement of an IDIQ order against a FSS; however, it is not an appropriate order type for the following reasons:

Small Business & VA FSS Purchasing

The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is one of the premier advocates of small businesses.  While small business set-asides are not allowed under the VA Federal Supply Schedules Program, we seek to utilize small businesses as much as possible.

In fact, for purchases made under the VA Federal Supply Schedule Program, VA ordering facilities may:

Suggestions for Improving the GSA Schedules Contracting Process

On our most recent discussion board there was quite a bit a chatter about the improvement of the application process for GSA Schedules.  We want to know your ideas and suggestions.  As technology improves and the agency circulates leadership - fresh perspectives help keep us all going.

Chime in with your ideas, suggestions, etc.


VA Federal Supply Schedules

The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) National Acquisition Center (NAC) Federal Supply Schedule (FSS) Program supports the healthcare requirements of the VA and other federal government agencies (OGA).  In 1981, the VA launched the VA managed FSS program  under  delegated authority by GSA (see FAR 8.402(a)) for multiple award contracts for medical equipment, supply, pharmaceutical, and service

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  • FAR 51 Deviation - A Tool to Help You Achieve a Total Solution

    To better meet the needs of GSA’s customer agencies, a deviation to FAR Part 51.1 has been approved to expand the authority of contractors to use GSA sources of supply placed on a time-and-materials (T&M)/labor-hour (LH) basis. Federal Government contracting officers have been authorized to give all GSA contractors access to the Federal Supply Schedule (FSS) and GSA Global Supply Programs when deemed appropriate for fulfillment of their agency requirements. Please note that the FSS Program is inclusive of those Schedules managed by the Department of Veterans Affairs.

    New Authorization for American National Red Cross to Purchase via Schedules

    GSA Schedule contractors can now sell to the American National Red Cross through their Federal Supply Schedules contract.  Section 2 of the Federal Supply Schedules Usage Act of 2010 (Public Law 111-263), provides that in furtherance of the purposes of the American National Red Cross as set forth in 36 U.S.C. § 300102, the Administrator of General Services may provide for the use of the Federal Supply Schedules. GSA, pursuant to this Act, has authorized the American National Red Cross to access Schedules when purchasing in furtherance of its purposes as set forth in 36 U.S.C.

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