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Input-Output Accounts Data

Data Files

  • 1998-2011 Summary Make Annual I-O Table Before Redefinitions
    Contains the 1998-2011 make table before redefinitions on a 2002 NAICS basis: (XLS)
  • 1998-2011 Summary Use Annual I-O Table before redefinitions
    Contains the 1998-2011 use table before redefinitions on a 2002 NAICS basis: (XLS)
  • Historical SIC Data

Supplemental Estimates

  • 1998-2011 Supplementary Make Table After Redefinitions at the Summary Level
    Contains the 1998-2011 redefined make table. Estimates for all years were prepared with methodologies that are unique to the integrated annual industry accounts and are for industries defined according to the 2002 North American Industrial Classification System (NAICS) and adjusted for redefinitions of secondary output: (XLS)
  • 1998-2011 Supplementary Use Table After Redefinitions at the Summary Level
    Contains the 1998-2011 redefined use table. Estimates for all years were prepared with methodologies that are unique to the integrated annual industry accounts and are for industries defined according to the 2002 North American Industrial Classification System (NAICS) and adjusted for redefinitions of secondary output: (XLS)
  • 1998-2011 Supplementary Commodity-by-Commodity Total Requirements Table After Redefinitions at the Summary Level
    Contains estimates of the inputs for each commodity that are directly and indirectly required to deliver a dollar of the commodity to final users:(XLS)
  • 1998-2011 Supplementary Industry-by-Commodity Total Requirements Table After Redefinitions at the Summary Level
    Contains estimates of the inputs for each industry that are directly and indirectly required to deliver a dollar of the commodity to final users:(XLS)
  • 1998-2011 Supplementary Industry-by-Industry Total Requirements Table After Redefinitions at the Summary Level
    Contains estimates of the inputs for each industry that are directly and indirectly required to deliver a dollar of the industry output to final users:(XLS)
  • Underlying detail: Additional data from the Industry Economic Accounts

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