Federal Aviation Administration

Policy & Guidance

Airports - Western-Pacific Region

Best Practices Guides
Title Description
Arizona Best Practice Guide This Best Practice Guide is the result of the efforts of several entities concerned about providing the best services to Arizona airports and customers. The primary goal of this document is to create a strong partnership between the FAA, ADOT, Sponsors and Consultants. The purpose of this Best Practice Guide is to clarify roles, responsibilities, and expectations of all affected parties when conducting airport related business within the State of Arizona. Also, of great and equal importance, is to ensure that we address and deal with issues in a uniform manner. This Best Practice Guide will help to provide uniformity. You can download the last copy below, or if you would like to receive a CD copy, please contact Z&H Engineering at (602) 997-7536.
California Best Practice Guide This Best Practice Guide is the result of the efforts of several entities concerned about providing the best services to California airports and customers. The primary goal of this document is to create a strong partnership between the FAA, Caltrans, Sponsors and Consultants. The purpose of this Best Practice Guide is to clarify roles, responsibilities, and expectations of all affected parties when conducting airport related business within the State of California. Also, of great and equal importance, is to ensure that we address and deal with issues in a uniform manner. This Best Practice Guide will help to provide uniformity. You can download the last copy below, or if you would like to receive a CD copy, please contact C & S Engineers at (619) 296-9373.

Page Last Modified: 08/22/11 12:09 EDT

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