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Viewing 1–10 of 14 results for dod
1 DOD 101  Related Websites
Everything you ever wanted to know about DOD
#230 of 926 items
2 Quadrennial Defense Review (QDR) - 2010  References
This QDR is dated February 2010; The Department's senior leadership sets out where the Department of Defense currently is and the direction we believe it needs to go in fulfilling our responsibilities to the American people.
#164 of 926 items
3 National Military Strategy - 2004  References
This was written in 2004. The “National Military Strategy” conveys my message to the Joint Force on the strategic direction the Armed Forces of the United States should follow to support the National Security and Defense Strategies in this...
#343 of 926 items
4 2008 National Defense Strategy (NDS)  References
Dated June 2008 This strategy builds on lessons learned and insights from previous operations and strategic reviews, including the 2006 Quadrennial Defense Review.  It represents the distillation of valuable experience across the spectrum of...
#278 of 926 items
5 Capstone Concept for Joint Operations - Jan 2009  References
Dated 15 January 2009 The Capstone Concept for Joint Operations describes in broad terms my vision for how the joint force circa 2016-2028 will operate in response to a wide variety of security challenges. It proposes that future joint...
#279 of 926 items
6 Joint Training Functional Concept (JTFC), Version 1.0 - 2007  References
Joint Training Functional Concept Version 1.0, dated 14 August 2007 Purpose: This Joint Training Functional Concept (JTFC) describes how the joint force, 8–20 years into the future, will perform training to prepare individuals and...
#344 of 926 items
7 National Security Strategy - 2015  References
The National Security Strategy for the United States of America, dated February 2015, President of the United States.
#27 of 926 items
8 Office of the Director of Operational Energy Plans and Programs (DOEPP)  Regulatory
Memorandum for OUSD(AT&L) Component Heads, dated January, 7, 2010
#345 of 926 items
9 Procedures and Schedule for Fiscal Year (FY) 2012-2016 Integrated - 9 April 2010  Regulatory
Depurty Secretary of Defense Memorandum: Subject: Procedures and Schedule for Fiscal Year (FY) 2012-2016 Integrated ProgramIBudget Review This memorandum outlines the general procedures and schedule for this year's integrated...
#376 of 926 items
10 DoD Organization and Functions Guide  Related Websites
DoD Director of Administration & Management Website This Guidebook outlines the functions of the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD), Defense Agencies, and DoD Field Activities. Where appropriate, the functional statement cites the...
#281 of 926 items
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