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Related tools
 Crop Nutrient Tool
Nutrient Content of Crops

Select Crops
About the Crop Nutrient Tool
Nutrient Data Sources
Download Crop Nutrient Database

A tool for calculating the approximate amount of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium that is removed by the harvest of agricultural crops.

Step 1
Select the crop type(s) in which you are interested. At least one selection must be made:
  Cereal and Oil Crops
  Forage Crops
  Fiber and Miscellaneous Crops
  Tree and Fruit Crops
  Vegetable Crops
Enter the full or partial name of a crop (i.e. 'corn').
All crops from any crop type will be displayed on the following page.
The search will be performed so that any crop name containing the string entered will be retrieved.
Click the button below to view a list of crops associated with the crop type(s) selected above.