USAID Impact Photo Credit: Nancy Leahy/USAID

Tag archives for Senegal

Equal Futures Partnership Advances Global Women’s Opportunities

I am excited to have just returned from the kick-off of the Equal Futures Partnership to expand women’s opportunities around the world. The event was held in New York City and part of a number of events USAID is participating in during the United Nations General Assembly this week.

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Video of the Week: Irrigating Market Gardens in Senegal

USAID’s Senegal mission has been working with local farmers and craftsmen in Fatick, Senegal to help increase both vegetable production and the local economy.

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Women Learning about Leadership through Rural Radio

The radio station near Thiès is small and cramped, yet bursting with activity. A young woman before a microphone is talking to a disembodied female voice from a nearby village, trying to maintain an audible signal from her mobile. Finally, a signal gets through and the woman recounts, in rapid Wolof, the results of a [...]

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Picture of the Week

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Partnering on the Ground: USAID and the Millennium Challenge Corporation

Julia Gitis is a Presidential Management Fellow in the Bureau of Economic Growth, Agriculture & Trade. She recently visited Senegal, Ghana, and Mozambique with a focus on donor coordination in the field. USAID celebrated its 50th birthday last week, thereby also celebrating half a century of successful partnerships in global development. One of the more [...]

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From the Field

In Tajikistan, the Youth Theater for Peace tour will kick-off. The USAID Youth Theater for Peace project uses an arts-based approach, which aims to advance sustainable peace promotion at the community level by encouraging changes in attitudes and behaviors among young people. In Senegal, we will participate in the 6th Annual Fight AIDS Day. In [...]

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From the Field

In Senegal, at Bembey University we will launch a higher education agreement with Fairfield University.  This new partnership between the United States and Senegal seeks to introduce a service learning model to support health education for middle school students and teacher training in educational technology. In Egypt, as part of the Improving the Performance of [...]

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Working Together for Healthy Communities in Senegal

Lois Quam is the Executive Director of the Global Health Initiative. In the Senegalese village of Nianing, I joined a group of elderly ladies in a circle of plastic chairs as they sang a simple song, a drum keeping time with their claps.  Despite their years, each stood up one by one to dance a [...]

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From the Field

In Senegal, we will launch a new training curriculum on Value Chain and Agri-Food Business in collaboration with Michigan State University. The 4-semester Master’s Degree program is mainly aimed at regular fourth-year agricultural engineering students and includes tailor-made short-term training modules for working people. The overall objective is to promote excellence beyond national boundaries and [...]

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From the Field

In Senegal, in collaboration with Michigan State University, we will have the official launch of a new training curriculum on Value Chain and Agri-Food Business.  The 4-semester Master’s Degree program is mainly aimed at regular fourth-year agricultural engineering students and includes tailor-made short-term training modules for working people.  The overall objective is to promote excellence [...]

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