USAID Impact Photo Credit: Nancy Leahy/USAID

Tag archives for Peru

Leading the Way in Enterprise Development

Svetkul Akmatova (center, in the traditional blue Kyrgyz jacket) and members of her organization, Altyn Kol Women's Handicraft Cooperative, busily prepare wool for their handmade carpets. Photo Credit: B. Jakypova, American Council for International Education

Small Business Saturday, a day dedicated to supporting U.S. small businesses, is a good opportunity to highlight the importance of women-owned and managed small businesses around the world. Read more >>

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Driving Economic & Social Change – Highlight Women Entrepreneurs in Peru

Luzmila Huarancca Gutiérrez began making textiles at home in Ayacucho, a region located in the Andean Highlands. The quality of her work quickly attracted buyers from across Peru and abroad, and today she is a leader in the artisanal textile industry, managing a network of 800 artisans in Ayacucho.

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Equal Futures Partnership Advances Global Women’s Opportunities

I am excited to have just returned from the kick-off of the Equal Futures Partnership to expand women’s opportunities around the world. The event was held in New York City and part of a number of events USAID is participating in during the United Nations General Assembly this week.

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Video of the Week: Reading in Peru

According to experts, in the first grade children must learn how to read and understand what they read. In the second  grade, they must improve their fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension. With more fluency there is greater chance for children to understand what they have read. That’s why in countries that are are more advanced in education, there are set reading standards for children. In Latin America, children [...]

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Video: Peruvian Chocolate

  A video for international youth week. This fun video about chocolate and cacao, the key alternative to coca in USAID’s alternative development program, was produced by a Cedro-supported youth network in the Peruvian jungle.   Cedro is a USAID Peru local grantee and a key civil society player in the fight against drugs.

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Indigenous Internship Program Trains Peru’s Young Adults

Darwin Mori Barbaran was born one of 10 to a school teacher and a jewelry artisan deep in the Peruvian jungle. When he was a child, both of his parents died in tragic accidents.  He was forced to confront the grim realities of the hinterlands at a young age –the tough physical labor life there [...]

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