Bib-Future Report Goes Live

The full draft report of the Working Group on the Future of Bibliographic Control is now on the Web and the comments period is open until Dec. 15.? Electronic comments are preferred.

Incidentally, the webcast of the group?s presentation on Nov. 13 has apparently been one of the most heavily viewed in the entire history of the Library.? In just the first couple of weeks that it has been online, from what I last heard, it was already in the neighborhood of 3,500 views.

It?s terrific that people are taking such an active interest in an issue that gets to the heart of the future of information and knowledge!

One Comment

  1. K.G. Schneider
    December 18, 2007 at 2:52 pm

    Ok, on the issue of soliciting comments from the public: how about next time giving the public more than an eensy-teensy comment box and 16-day submission period at the beginning of the holiday season.

    How many responses were submitted, by the way?

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