Root, Root, Root for the Home Team

Baseball graphic

Did you know that the Library of Congress has some of the best baseball-related collections you can see anywhere, perhaps outside of Cooperstown itself?

It’s true: The nation’s library is home to quite a trove of memorabilia about the national pastime.

To help celebrate the opening of the new Nationals Park in just a few days right here in Washington, we have collected many of our baseball resources in a single thematic portal called “America’s Pastime.” The site includes audio and video, historical photographs, a baseball time line, a feature about the song “Take Me Out to the Ballgame,” and other great materials.


  1. rente
    March 28, 2008 at 8:36 am

    I will be in Washington on the 2nd of april. Is America’s Pastime open at this date?

    As a Dutch baseball freak I am very interested in this collection.

    Please let me know

    remco rente

  2. Lustige
    March 28, 2008 at 11:48 am

    Hmm, have been using your library for couple of years and never saw the material regarding baseball. Thanks a lot for the link


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