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Human Resources and Organizational Management

Headquarters Marine Corps

Your Sponsor: Your First 90 Days (Onboarding Phase 4)
Once the basic administrative requirements of check-in have been met, you will be able to fully transition into your role as a functional Civilian Marine. During this time, your Sponsor can help as you continue to build on the performance management plan that you established during your first week.

Individual Development Plan (IDP)

A key component of managing your performance, and ensuring long-term success in your career, is to construct an Individual Development Plan (IDP). This plan will focus on training and development activities such as classes, work-studies, and projects and will be designed to grow your work-specific knowledge, skills, and abilities. Your Sponsor can share their personal experience regarding development opportunities and lessons learned from previous IDPs to ensure that yours will be as valuable as possible.


It is essential that you make your benefits elections within your initial 90-day timeframe. After this initial opportunity passes, it is very difficult to make changes to your benefits. While the responsibility for investigating and selecting benefit plans is yours, and you should always rely on the counsel of the appropriate subject matter experts, your Sponsor can help you through the process.

Bridge to Success