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Atmospheric Sciences & Global Change Division
Staff Awards & Honors

March 2006

Richard Moss Completes Six Years of Service with U.S. Global Change Research Program

Portrait of Richard Moss
Richard Moss 

Congratulations to Richard Moss for completing six years of service as director of the U.S. Global Change Research Program/Climate Change Science Program in Washington, D.C. The USGCRP is the nation's foremost national research program focusing on changes in climate and related environmental systems. The program integrates research from 13 participating federal agencies and departments, and it has an annual budget of approximately $1.8 billion.

As director, Richard was responsible for leading preparation of the USGCRP/CCSP Strategic Research Plan. During this process, Richard coordinated inputs from hundreds of scientific contributors, a public review workshop involving 1,300 participants, and an open external review conducted by a special committee of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences. He was also responsible for leading preparation of the program's annual report to Congress, coordinating preparation of the CCSP's "Synthesis and Assessment Products;" and for helping reshape their interactions with the National Academy of Sciences.

Richard is now beginning a sabbatical leave at the PNNL/University of Maryland Joint Global Change Research Institute and the University of Maryland Earth Sciences Interdisciplinary Center, where he will work on several projects that involve integration of natural and social sciences research in decision support.

Congratulation again, Richard!

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