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Fundamental Science Directorate
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Atmospheric Sciences & Global Change Division
Research Highlights

September 2009

Check Out the Fundamental & Computational Sciences Achievements for 2009

2009 Accomplishment Report Cover Accomplishment Report for Fiscal Year 2009

In 2009, the staff of the Fundamental & Computational Sciences Directorate advanced the scientific frontiers to deliver new discoveries and solutions to intractable problems. These discoveries and solutions are highlighted in our key accomplishment report. For example, our scientists. . .

  • Showed that failing to include land-use changes in policies to stabilize greenhouse gases in the atmosphere could lead to massive deforestation.
  • Determined that when radiation strikes cells, cells nearby suffer sometimes, but not always.
  • Revealed new details about how rafts of chemically reactive platinum form, yielding insights into how to improve catalysts for oil refining and other uses.
  • Launched an initiative to conduct next-generation, extreme-scale modeling and simulation capabilities.

Further, our people were recognized for their expertise. For example, Dr. Alexandre Tartakovsky won a Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers for his computational mathematics for subsurface flow. Dr. Richard D. Smith's team won an R&D 100 Award for the Ultrasensitive ESI-MS Source & Interface. Dr. Jean Futrell was named to the first class of American Chemical Society Fellows.

Copies of this full-color accomplishments report are available online.

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