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Atmospheric Sciences & Global Change Division
Staff Awards & Honors

October 2008

Jim Dooley Appointed Associate Editor of Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Journal

Jim Dooley, a senior staff scientist with the Joint Global Change Research Institute, was named associate editor in October for the world's first peer-reviewed journal to cover carbon dioxide capture and storage technologies.  The publication, the International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, focuses on greenhouse gas abatement options with an emphasis on the power, manufacturing, and production industries.  The journal covers issues associated with greenhouse gas mitigation, carbon dioxide capture and storage, alternative mitigation options, implementation case studies, and policy and economic assessments of these advanced energy systems. Elsevier publishes the journal.

Dooley was formerly a member of the editorial board for the journal since its inception in 2007. In his new role as associate editor, Dooley is responsible for ensuring that submitted papers meet scientific standards, coordinating reviews, and communicating with authors. He will cover papers related to integrated systems, economics, and economic modeling of systems related to carbon dioxide capture and storage and low-carbon energy systems.

At the Joint Global Change Research Institute, Dooley leads research related to the role of carbon dioxide capture and storage in addressing climate change. Dooley co-developed a state-of-the-art geographic information-based model for examining the large-scale deployment of carbon management technologies in the United States. Dooley and his research team have authored more than 100 technical reports and peer-reviewed articles on the role of technology and climate change.  He was a significant contributor to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's Special Report on Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage, a 2005 landmark international scientific assessment on the role of carbon dioxide capture and storage in addressing climate change.

The Joint Global Change Research Institute, in College Park, Maryland, is a partnership of Pacific Northwest National Laboratory and the University of Maryland.

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