Secretary Duncan Announces Seventeen 2012 Promise Neighborhoods Winners in School Safety Address at Neval Thomas Elementary School

17 awards selected from over 200 applicants to support safety, health and education services in impoverished neighborhoods

Press Office, (202) 401-1576,

U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan announced 17 winners of the 2012 Promise Neighborhoods $60 million grant fund during a school safety speech at Neval Thomas Elementary School in Washington, D.C.

“Children must be safe, healthy, and supported by adults across an entire community to reach their fullest potential,” said U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan. “Against all odds, Promise Neighborhoods work to provide families and children with the support they need to help break the cycle of poverty that threatens too many of our nation’s communities.”

Promise Neighborhoods, first launched in 2010, is a community-focused program that funds local-led efforts to improve educational opportunities and provide comprehensive health, safety, and support services in high-poverty neighborhoods. To date, Promise Neighborhoods funding totals nearly $100 million awarded to over 50 communities representing more than 700 schools. To help leverage and sustain grant work, 1,000 national, state, and community organizations have signed-on to partner with a Promise Neighborhood site, including over 300 organizations supporting 2012 grant winners.

“For three years now communities have been demonstrating the power of organizing their work around providing each child in their neighborhood with the support they need from cradle through college and career,” said Assistant Deputy Secretary for Innovation Jim Shelton. “This year’s planning and implementation grantees, and many of the applicants, exemplify the collective impact non-profits, cities, and other partners can have when they work together.”

Awards announced today are split between 10 planning grants totaling more than $4.7 million and 7 implementation grants totaling nearly $30 million. Remaining 2012 funds will go toward second-year funding for the 5 implementation grantees awarded in 2011. Planning grantees will each receive one-year awards of up to $500,000 to create targeted plans for combating poverty in the local community. Implementation grantees will receive awards up to $6 million to fund the first year of a 5-year grant to execute community-led plans that improve and provide better social services and educational programs.

Neval Thomas Elementary is a school served by the D.C. Promise Neighborhood Initiative (DCPNI), one of today’s seventeen 2012 grant winners. DCPNI will receive a five-year implementation grant totaling around $25 million to provide wraparound services and community support to families across 4 schools and their communities: Neval Thomas Elementary; Kenilworth Elementary; Chavez Parkside Middle School; and Chavez Parkside High School.

A complete list of 2012 grants follows. Award amounts reflect first-year funding with additional years subject to congressional appropriations. Among the winners are 6 implementation grantees that will build on previous work funded through 2010 or 2011 planning grants: Boston Promise Initiative; D.C. Promise Neighborhood; Los Angeles Promise Neighborhood; Mission Promise Neighborhood in San Francisco; Indianola Promise Community in Mississippi; and Chula Vista Promise Neighborhood in California.

Promise Neighborhoods is one of the signature programs of the White House Neighborhood Revitalization Initiative, which supports innovative and inclusive strategies that bring public and private partners together to help break the cycle of intergenerational poverty. It encourages collaboration between the U.S. Departments of Education, Housing and Urban Development, Justice, Treasury and Health and Human Services to support local solutions for sustainable, mixed-income neighborhoods with affordable housing, safe streets and good schools.

Additional information on the Promise Neighborhoods program and 2012 winners is also available here.

2012 Implementation Grants Location Award
Boston Promise Initiative Boston and Roxbury, Mass.$1,485,001
Chula Vista Promise Neighborhood Chula Vista, Calif. $4,998,609
East Lubbock Promise Neighborhood Lubbock, Texas $3,263,789
Five Promises for Two Generations (DCPNI) Washington, D.C. $1,967,748
Indianola Promise Community Indianola, Miss. $5,997,093
Los Angeles Promise Neighborhood Los Angeles, Calif. $6,000,000
Mission Promise Neighborhood San Francisco, Calif. $6,000,000
2012 Planning Grants Location Award
Adams County Promise Neighborhood Initiative Adams County, Wisc. $499,997
Camden Cooper Lanning Promise Neighborhood Camden, N.J. $499,654
Cypress Hills Promise Neighborhood Brooklyn, N.Y. $371,222
The Everett Freeman Initiative Corning, Calif. $499,766
Langley Park Promise Neighborhood Langley Park, Md. $500,000
Many Flags Promise Neighborhood Rockland, Cushing,
Owls Head, St. George,
Thomaston, and
South Thomaston, Maine
Newark Fairmount Promise Neighborhood Newark, N.J. $498,772
Ogden United for Promise Neighborhoods Ogden, Utah $498,301
Promise Heights, A Promise Neighborhood Baltimore, Md. $499735
Rogers Promise Neighborhood Project Marshalltown, Iowa $495,984

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