USAID Impact Photo Credit: Nancy Leahy/USAID

Tag archives for Transparency

USAID Reforms Aim to Strengthen Local Institutions and Systems

Palestinians unload bags of flour donated by USAid at a depot in the West Bank village of Anin near Jenin. Photo Credit: Mohammed Ballas/AP.

“No country wants to be dependent on another. No proud leader in this room wants to ask for aid. No family wants to be beholden to the assistance of other … But aid alone is not development. Read more >>

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USAID’s Commitment to Transparency

At USAID, transparency is an important part of our commitment to achieving sustainable development results and to doing business well.

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With a Little Help from the Crowd, USAID Increases Government Transparency

At USAID we’re fortunate to work on an incredible mission. But it’s an impossible one to achieve on our own. That’s why we’re always looking for creative ways to engage new problem solvers and develop new partnerships. One of the best ways to engage the public is to open up our data. Set it free. [...]

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We must do better than cash

Cash can stifle economic development.  That might seem counterintuitive.  Aid is critical to ameliorating the plight of poor people living on far less a day than we spend on a latte.  But physical cash can undercut many development objectives the U.S. government works to achieve.  From improving aid effectiveness to shining a light on corruption [...]

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Administrator’s Note: Welcome to IMPACTblog!

Hi everyone! Thanks for visiting IMPACTblog, USAID’s new blog. We’re excited about this project and I hope you’ll find it interesting. Every day, I’m told of the fantastic projects USAID is working on throughout the world, and I wanted to create a space where we could share those stories with you in an interactive way. [...]

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