USAID Impact Photo Credit: Nancy Leahy/USAID

Tag archives for Brazil

Trilateral Development: “We” Is Much Bigger Than “Us”

Mark Lopes is deputy assistant administrator for Latin America and Caribbean

Success for Latin America and the Caribbean means that the USAID must work itself out of a job. Read more >>

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Addressing Malnutrition – Turning Commitments into Action

While we share the same goal—healthy, well-nourished families and communities—too often, agencies, ministries, donors and businesses operate in silos, hindering action and missing key opportunities for collaboration that could improve the health and lives of millions.

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Pounds of Prevention – Focus on Brazil

In this next installment in the Pounds of Prevention  series, we travel to Ceará State in northeastern Brazil, which is in the midst of a severe drought. Over the past few years, the area has faced increasingly frequent drought conditions and rural residents face difficult choices.They include whether to abandon their farms and move to [...]

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Powering Energy to Face the Challenges of World Hunger

Feeding the world’s hungry and access to energy are typically viewed as separate development goals. But it is becoming abundantly clear to those of us here in Rio de Janiero at the UN Conference on Sustainable Development (RIO+20) that they are intertwined. The facts speak for themselves: An estimated 850 million people go to bed each night [...]

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We must do better than cash

Cash can stifle economic development.  That might seem counterintuitive.  Aid is critical to ameliorating the plight of poor people living on far less a day than we spend on a latte.  But physical cash can undercut many development objectives the U.S. government works to achieve.  From improving aid effectiveness to shining a light on corruption [...]

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Turning the Corner on HIV and Tuberculosis Co-infection in Brazil

AIDSTAR-One is funded by USAID’s Office of HIV/AIDS. The project provides technical assistance to USAID and U.S. Government country teams to build effective, well-managed, and sustainable HIV and AIDS programs. HIV and tuberculosis (TB) affect millions of people worldwide every year. Eighty percent of the world’s cases of HIV are concentrated in the 22 countries—including [...]

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Public-Private Partnership Week: Measuring Impact of Mais Unidos

Lawrence Hardy II is USAID’s Brazil Mission Director As part of USAID’s 50th Anniversary, the Agency is celebrating Public-Private Partnership Week October 17-21, 2011 to highlight the mutual benefit that development and business have in establishing public-private partnerships (PPP) and to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Global Development Alliance (GDA) program. Created in 2006, [...]

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Reaching Most-at-Risk Populations with HIV Counseling and Testing in Brazil

Over the summer, I visited Brazil with representatives from USAID’s Caribbean Regional HIV Program.  The Caribbean team was interested in learning about USAID/Brazil’s innovative HIV counseling and testing program, Quero Fazer, which is implemented by the Associação Espaço de Prevenção e Atenção Humanizada (EPAH). EPAH manages Quero Fazer, a project designed specifically to reach most-at-risk [...]

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Mark Feierstein Visits School in Rio de Janeiro

Submitted by USAID/Brazil During his trip to Rio de Janeiro to participate in the World Economic Forum, USAID’s Assistant Administrator for Latin America and the Caribbean, Mark Feierstein, visited a school participating in the Enter Jovem Plus Program. Feierstein went to State School Tim Lopes, to closely observe the youth employability project. The school is [...]

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Staff Exchange Program Deepens Relationship Between Brazil and U.S.

By Mark Lopes, Deputy Assistant Administrator, USAID/ Latin America and Caribbean Bureau The US and Brazil took another step yesterday toward deepening our joint efforts in developing countries,  with the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding to formalize a staff exchange program between USAID and the Brazilian Cooperation Agency (ABC). Starting in April 2011, USAID [...]

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