Father Duenas Student Wins 2012 Congressional Art Competition

May 21, 2012 Issues: Education

Congresswoman Madeleine Z. Bordallo today announced that Ralph Eurich Patacsil, a student at Father Duenas Memorial School, has won the 2012 Congressional Art Competition.  Ralph Patacsil’s artwork, titled “Pacific Poison,” was selected as the top entry by a panel of local artists. Ralph will now attend a reception on June 20, 2012 on Capitol Hill, where his artwork will be displayed for one year in the U.S. Capitol complex.

The Congressional Art Competition is a nation-wide high school art competition sponsored by the Members of the U.S. House of Representatives.  This year’s competition, which was open to all Guam high schools, featured 42 entries by students from Father Duenas Memorial School, George Washington High School, John F. Kennedy High School, Southern High School, Simon Sanchez High School and Guam High School.

“I congratulate Ralph on winning the 2012 Congressional Art Competition,” said Congresswoman Bordallo. “I also congratulate Ralph’s parents, Frederic and Marites Patacsil, and his art instructor, Emmanuel ‘Chito’ Santos, for their encouragement and support of Ralph’s artistic passion.

“Ralph’s winning art piece demonstrates the talent of our young artists on Guam, and I look forward to hosting him when he visits Washington, D.C., for the national reception of Congressional Art winners.”

“Ralph’s winning art piece demonstrates the talent of our young artists on Guam, and I look forward to hosting him when he visits Washington, D.C., for the national reception of Congressional Art winners.”