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Ali M. Sadeghi

Soil Scientist

photo of Ali Sadeghi Ali M. Sadeghi, Ph.D.
Research Physicist
USDA-ARS Hydrology and Remote Sensing Laboratory
Bldg. 007, Rm. 104, BARC-West
Beltsville, MD 20705-2350 USA
Voice: (301) 504-6693
Fax: (301) 504-8931

Research Interests:(click hereto see a list of current research projects)

  • Evaluates the application of models to predict fate, movement, and risk of agrochemicals, nutrients, and pathogens in surface and ground waters.
  • Conducts field and laboratory simulation studies to determine physical and hydrological parameters for use as inputs in models.
  • Development and improvement of various scales of microbial sub-models.


  • 1972 B.S. (Agricultural Engineering, Irrigation & Drainage) Pahlavi University, Iran.
  • 1979 M.S. (Agricultural Engineering, Soil & Water) University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR.
  • 1984 Ph.D. (Soil Physics) University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR.

Professional Experience:

  • 1985 - 1987: Research Associate, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS.
  • 1988 - 1993: Soil Scientist, USDA-ARS Pesticide Degradation Laboratory, Beltsville, MD.
  • 1994 - 1998: Soil Scientist, USDA-ARS Environmental Chemistry Laboratory, Beltsville, MD.
  • 1998 - 2005: Soil Scientist, USDA-ARS Environmental Quality Laboratory, Beltsville, MD.
  • 2005 - Present: Soil Scientist, USDA-ARS Hydrology and Remote Sensing Laboratory, Beltsville, MD.


  • 1982: Inducted into the Society of Gamma Sigma Delta.
  • 1987: Inducted into the Scientific Society of Sigma Xi.
  • 2000: USDA Secretary of Agriculture Team Honor Award - Developing new technologies and a greater understanding of the fundamental principles supporting sustainable agricultural systems.
  • 2000: The FAR-B George W. Irving Fellowship recipient .
  • 2001: USDA/ARS Headquarters funded Research Associate Proposal.
  • 2007: University of Arkansas, Department of Crop, Soil, and Environmental Sciences 2007 Outstanding Graduate.
  • USDA Certificates of Merit (1991, 1992, 1996).

Professional Service:

  • Associate Editor for the Journal of Environmental Quality (JEQ), 2006-present.
  • Member of the American Society of Agronomy and Soil Science Society of America (ASA & SSSA).
  • Member of the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE).
  • Sigma Xi, (National Society for Scientific Research).
  • Gamma Sigma Delta.
  • Who's Who in Science and Engineering, 1991.

Advising and Consulting Activities:

  • SBIR, Department of Agriculture, Program of the Competitive Research Grants Office, Ad hoc reviewer, 1992 - present
  • US EPA - FIFRA Designated as ARS representative for Environmental Model Validation Task Force, 1996 - present
  • U.S.A.I.D. Participate as a member of the National Research Council for grant review panel to review AID proposals, 1989 - present
  • USDA - ORACBA Serve as details with the Office of Risk Assessment and Cost Benefit Analysis. Assist ORACBA in their modeling efforts to perform risk analysis that can be used by the Farm Service Agency (FSA) and National Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) to evaluate the success of the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) and Environmental Quality Incentive Program (EQIP) within the USDA, 1998 - present
  • US EPA - FIFRA Member of the Scientific Advisory Panel (SAP) for reviewing and updating the EPA guidelines on: 1) drinking water exposure, 2) small-scale prospective groundwater monitoring studies, and 3) conducting terrestrial field dissipation studies, 1997 - present

Selected Publications:(please contact the author to determine reprint availability)

( view author's publications/interpretive summaries/technical abstracts since 1999)

Sadeghi, A.M., A.R. Isensee. Impact of hairy vetch cover crop on herbicide transport under field and laboratory conditions. Chemosphere. 44:109-118. 2001.

Rice, P.J., L.L. McConnell, L.P. Heighton, A.M. Sadeghi, A.R. Isensee, J.R. Teasdale, A. Abdel-Baki, J.A. Harman-Fetcho, C.J. Hapeman. Runoff loss pf pesticides and soil: a comparison between vegetative mulch and plastic mulch in vegetable production systems. J. of Environ. Quality. 30:1808-1821. 2001.

Rice, P.J., L.L. McConnell, L.P. Heighton, A.M. Sadeghi, A.M., A.R. Isensee, J.R. Teasdale, A. Abdel-Baki, J.A. Harman-Fetcho, C.J. Hapeman. Comparison of copper levels in runoff from fresh-market vegetable production using polyethylene mulch or a vegetative mulch. Environ. Toxicology and Chemistry, vol. 21(1):24-30. 2002.

Sadeghi, A.M., J.G. Arnold. A SWAT/microbial sub-model for predicting pathogen loading in surface and groundwater at watershed and basin scales. In Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Environmental Regulations: Proceedings of ASAE, Publication 701P0102, p. 56-63. 2002.

Teasdale, J.R., D.R. Shelton, A.M. Sadeghi, A.R. Isensee. Influence of hairy vetch residue on atrazine and metolachlor soil solution concentration and weed emergence. Weed Science, 51:628-634. 2003.

Krizek, D.T., J.C. Ritchie, A.M. Sadeghi, C.D. Foy, E.G. Rhoden, J.R. Davis, M.J. Camp. A four-year study of biomass production of Eastern Gamagrass grown on an acid compact soil. Communications in Soil Science Plant Analysis. Vol. 34, Nos. 3 & 4, pp. 457-480. 2003.

Shelton, D.R., Y.A. Pachepsky, A.M. Sadeghi, W.L. Stout, J.S. Karns, W.J. Gburek. Release rates of manure-borne coliform bacteria data on leaching through stony soil. Vadose Zone Journal. 2:34-39. 2003.

Hapeman, C.J., L.L. McConnell, C.P. Rice, A.M. Sadeghi, W.F. Schmidt, G.W. McCarty, J.L. Starr, P.J. Rice, J.T. Angier, J.A. Harman-Fetcho. Agricultural Research Service research on understanding agrochemical fate and transport to prevent and mitigate adverse environmental impacts. Pest Manag. Sci. 59:681-690. 2003.

Sadeghzadeh, K., A. Shirmohammadi, H. Montas, A. Sadeghi. Automated spatial allocation of BMPs for watershed-scale nitrogen management. Proceedings of ASAE, Paper No. 033036. 2003.

Sadeghzadeh, K., A. Shirmohammadi, H. Montas, A. Sadeghi. Applicability of Philips three-parameter type infiltration equation in layered soils. Proceedings of ASAE, Paper No. 033107. 2003.

Pachepsky, Y.A. S. Bradford, A.M. Sadeghi, A.K. Guber, D.R. Shelton. Modeling fate and transport of manure-borne pathogens in the environment. Pathogens in the Environment. Kansas City, MO, Workshop Proceedings, p.31. 2004.

Pachepsky, Y.A., M.Y. Kouznetsov, D.R. Shelton, R. Roodsari, A. Shirmohammadi, A.M. Sadeghi, J.L. Starr. Two-dimensional representation and modeling of bromide and microbial transport at a Hillslope Grass Buffer [abstract]. 1st General Assembly of the European Geophysical Union, Nice France. Workshop Proceedings. 2004.

Neurath, S.K., A.M. Sadeghi, A. Shirmohammadi, A.R. Isensee, A. Torrents. Atrazine distribution measured in soil and leachate following infiltration conditions. Chemosphere, 54:489-496. 2004.

Rice, P.J., J.A. Harman-Fetcho, J.R.Teasdale, A.M. Sadeghi, L.L. McConnell, C.B. Coffman, R.R. Herbert, L.P. Heighton, C.J. Hapeman. Use of Vegetative Furrows to Mitigate Copper Loads and Soil Loss in Runoff from Polyethylene (Plastic) Mulch Vegetable Production. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 23(3):719-725. 2004.

Shirmohammadi, A., H. Montas, L. Bergstorm, A.M. Sadeghi, D.D. Bosch. Preferential flow: identification and quantification. In: Javier Alvarez-Benedi and Rafael Munoz-Carpena (eds.), Soil-Water-Solute Process Characterization, CRC Press. Washington, DC. p.289-308. 2004.

Harman-Fetcho, J.A., C.J. Hapeman, L.L. McConnell, T.L. Potter, C.P. Rice, A.M. Sadeghi, R.D. Smith, K. Bialek, K.A. Sefton, B.A. Shaffer, and R. Curry. Pesticide occurrence in selected South Florida Canals and Biscayne Bay during high agricultural activity. J. Agric. Food Chem. 53:6040-6048. 2005.

Hapeman, C.J., J.A. Harman Fetcho, R.D Smith, L.L. Mcconnell, T.L. Potter, B.A. Schaffer, R.W. Curry, C. Rice, K. Bialek, K.M. Kalinski, A.M. Sadeghi, K.A. Sefton, Agrochemical fate in South Florida ecosystems.Proceedings of IUPAC-UCR-MAG International Workshop on Crop Protection Chemistry. p.213. 2005.

Roodsari, R.M, D.R. Shelton, A. Shirmohammadi, Y.A. Pachepsky, A.M. Sadeghi, J.L. Starr. Fecal coliform transport as affected by surface condition. Transactions of the ASAE. Vol. 48 (3): 1055-1061. 2005.

Stout, W.L., Y.A. Pachepsky, D.R. Shelton, A.M. Sadeghi, L.S. Saporito, and A.N. Sharpley. Runoff transport of fecal coliform and phosphorous released from manure in grass buffer conditions. Letters in Applied Microbiology, 41:230-234. 2005.

Chu, T.W., A. Shirmohammadi, H. Montas, A.M. Sadeghi. Evaluation of the SWAT model's sediment and nutrient components in the Piedmont physiographic region of Maryland. Transactions of the ASAE. Vol. 47(5): 1523-1538. 2005.

Starr, J.L., A.M. Sadeghi, and Y. A. Pachepsky. Monitoring and modeling lateral transport through a large in situ chamber. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 69:1871-1880. 2005.

Graff, C.D., A.M. Sadeghi, R.R. Lowrance, R.G. Williams. Quantifying the sensitivity of the riparian ecosystem management model (REMM) to changes in climate and buffer characteristics common to conservation practices. Transactions of the ASAE, vol. 48(4): 1377-1387. 2005.

Capuco, A.V., Baldwin, R.L., Rice, C., Hare Jr, W.R., Paape, M.J., Bannerman, D.D., Kauf, A.C., McCarty, G.W., Sadeghi, A.M., Starr, J.L., Mcconnell, L.L., Hapeman, C.J., Van Tassell, C.P. Assessing the relationship between ruminal perchlorate infusion in dairy cows and its levels in milk [abstract]. Journal of Dairy Science. 88(1):237. 2005.

Capuco, A.V., C. Rice, R.L. Baldwin, D.D. Bannerman, M.J. Paape, A.C. Kauf, G.W. McCarty, C.J. Hapeman, A.M. Sadeghi, J.L. Starr, L.L. Mcconnell, and C.P. Van Tassell. Fate of dietary perchlorate in lactating dairy cows: Relevance to animal health and levels in the milk supply. PNAS 102(45):16152-16157. 2005.

Neurath, S.K., A.M. Sadeghi, A. Shirmohammadi, A.R. Isensee, K.A. Sefton, A. Torrents. Spatial variability in the upper soil layer of a no-till field using a small-scale dye experiment. Soil Science. 170 (6):481-490. 2005.

Pachepsky, Y.A, Sadeghi, A.M., Bradford, S.C., Shelton, D.R., Guber, A.K., and Dao, T.H. Transport and Fate of Manure-Borne Pathogens: Modeling Perspective. Agricultural Water Management, 86 (2006) 81-92. doi:10.1016/j.agwat.2006.06.010. 2006.

Kouznetsov, M.Y., Roodsari, R., Pachepsky, Y.A., Shelton, D.R., Sadeghi, A.M., Shirmohammadi, A., and Starr, J.L. Modeling of Manure-borne Bromide and Fecal Coliform Transport with Runoff and Infiltration at a Hillslope. J. of Environmental Management, doi:10.1016/j.jenvman.2006.06.011. 2006.

Guber, A.K., Shelton, D.R., Sadeghi, A.M., Pachepsky, Y.A., and Sikora, L.J. Rainfall-Induced Release of Manure Constituents: Comparison of Models. Journal of Applied and Environmental Microbiology (AEM), Vol. 72, No. 12, pp: 7531-7539. 2006.

Benham, B. L., Baffaut, C., Zeckoski, R.W., Mankin, K.R., Pachepsky, Y.A., Sadeghi, A.M., Brannan, K.M., Soupir, M.L., and Habersack, M.J. Modeling Bacteria Fate and Transport in Watersheds to Support TMDLs. Trans. of the ASABE , Vol. 49(4): 987-1002. 2006

Rice, P.J., Harman-Fetcho, J.A., Sadeghi, A.M., McConnell, L.L., Coffman, C.B., Teasdale, J.R., Abdel-Baki, A., Starr, J.L., McCarty, G.W., Herbert, R.R., and Hapeman, C.J. Reducing Insecticide and Fungicide Loads in Runoff from Plastic Mulch with Vegetative-Covered Furrows. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.2006.

Guber, A.K., Karns, J.S., Pachepsky, Y.A., Sadeghi, A.M., van Kessel, J.S., and Dao, T.H. Comparison of release and transport of manure-borne E. coli and enterococci under grass buffer conditions" Letters in Applied Microbiology, ISSN 0266-8254. doi: 10.1111/j.1472-765X.2006.02065.x, 2006.

Rice, P.J., Hapeman, C.J., McConnell, L.L., Sadeghi, A.M., Teasdale, J.R., Coffman, B.C., McCarty, G.W., Baki, A.A., and Starr, J.L. Evaluation of Vegetable Production Management Practices to Reduce the Ecological Risk of Pesticides. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Vol. 26, No. 11, pp. 2455-2464. 2007.

Neurath, S.K., Sadeghi, A.M., Shirmohammadi, A., Torrents, A., and Sefton, K.A. Sensitivity of atrazine partition coefficient on pesticide root zone model prediction of soil’s atrazine residue distribution within the crop root zone. Soil Science, Vol. 172, No.1, pp: 42-54. 2007.

Sadeghi, A.M., Starr, J.L., Teasdale, J.R., Rosecrance, R.C., and Rowland, R.A. Real-Time Soil Profile Water Content as Influenced by Weed-Corn Competition. Soil Science, Vol. 172, No. 10, pp. 759-769. 2007

Sadeghi, A.M., Yoon, K., Graff, C., McCarty, G., McConnell, L., Shirmohammadi, A., Hively, D., Sefton, K. Comparison of SWAT and AnnAGNPS Applications to Sub-Watershed within the Chesapeake Bay Watershed in Maryland. The Fourth International SWAT Conference in Netherlands, Proceeding, 2007.

Sadeghi, A.M., Yoon, K., Graff, C., McCarty, G., McConnell, L., Schirmohammadi, A., Hively, D., Sefton, K. Assessing the Performance of SWAT and AnnAGNPS Models in a Coastal Plain Watershed, Choptank River, Maryland, U.S.A. ASABE Proceeding, Paper # 072032. 2007.

Wang, P., Sadeghi, A., Linker, L., Arnold, J., Shenk, G., Wu, J. Simulated Soil Water Content Effect on Plant Nitrogen Uptake and Export for Watershed Management. In: L. Ma, L.R. Ahuja, and T. Brusselma (eds.) Quantifying and Understanding Plant Nitrogen Uptake for Systems Modeling. CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, LLC, pp277-304. 2008.

Sadeghi, A.M., Yoon, K., Graff, C., McCarty, G., McConnell, L., Schirmohammadi, A., Hively, D., Sefton, K. Assessing the Performance of SWAT and AnnAGNPS Models in a Coastal Plain Watershed, Choptank River, Maryland, U.S.A. ASABE Proceeding, Paper # 072032. 2007.

McCarty, G.W., McConnell, L.L., Sadeghi, A.M., Hapeman, C.J., Graff, C., Hively, W.D., Lang, M.W., Fisher, T.R., Jordan, T., Rice, C., Whitall, D., Lynn, A., Keppler, J., Fogel, M.L. Overview of the Choptank River watershed conservation effectiveness assessment project. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. 63:461-474. 2008.

Faucette, L.B., Sefton, K.A., Sadeghi, A.M., and Rowland, R.A. Sediment and phosphorous removal from simulated storm runoff with compost filter socks and silt fences. J. Soil and Water Conservation 63:257-264. 2008.

Faucette, L.B. Cardosa-Gendreau, F.A., Codling, E., Sadeghi, A.M., Pachepsky, Y.A. Storm Water Polluant Removal Performance of Compost Filter Socks. J. Environ. Qual. 38 :1233-1239. 2009.

Guber, A.K., Yakirevich, A.M., Sadeghi, A.M., Pachepsky, Y.A., Shelton, D.R. Uncertainty Evaluation of Coliform Bacteria Removal from Vegetated Filter Strip under Overland Flow Condition. J. Environ. Qual. 38 :1636-1644. 2009.

Baffaut, C., Sadeghi, A.M.  Bacteria modeling with SWAT for assessment and remediation studies: A review.  Transactions of the ASABE.  Vol. 53(5): 1585-1594. 2010.

Sexton, A.M., Sadeghi, A.M., Zhang, X., Srinivasan, R., Shirmohammadi. A.  Using NEXRAD and rain gauge precipitation data for hydrologic calibration of SWAT in a northeastern watershed. Transactions of the ASABE, Vol. 53(5): 1501-1510. 2010.

Whitall, D., Dean Hively, W., Leight, A.K., Hapeman, C.J., McConnell, L.L., Fisher, T., Rice, C.P., Codling, E., McCarty, G.W., Sadeghi, A.M., Gustafson, A., Bialek, K.  Pollutant fate and spatio-temporal variability in the Choptank river estuary: Factors influencing water quality, Sci Total Environ. 408:2096–108, doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2010.01.006. 2010.

Beeson, P.C., Doraiswamy, P.C., Sadeghi, A.M., Di Luzio, M., Tomer, M.D., Arnold, J.G., Daughtry, C.S.T.  Treatments of Precipitation Inputs to Hydrologic Models. Transactions of the ASABE, Vol. 54(6): 2011-2020. 2011.

Sexton, A.M., Shirmohammadi, A., Sadeghi, A.M., Montas. H.J.  Impact of parameter uncertainty on critical SWAT output simulations. Transactions of the ASABE, Vol. 54 (2): 461-471. 2011.

Sexton, A.M., Shirmohammadi, A., Sadeghi, A.M., Montas. H.J.  A Stochastic Method to Characterize Model Uncertainty for a Nutrient TMDL. Transactions of the ASABE 54(6): 2197-2207. 2011.

Guber, A.K., Pachepsky, Y.A., Yakirevich, A.M., Shelton, D.R., Sadeghi, A.M., Goodrich, D.C., Unkrich, C.L.  Uncertainity in modeling of faecal coliform overland transport associated with manure application in Maryland.  Hydrological Processes. Published online in Wiley Online Library (wileyonlinelibrary.com) DOI:1-.1002/hyp.8003.  2011.

Hively, D.W., Hapeman, C.J., McConnell, L.L., Fisher, T.R., Rice, C.P., McCarty, G.W., Sadeghi, A.M., Whitall, D.R., Downey, P.M., Nino de Guzman, G.T., Bialek-Kalinski, K., Lang, M.W., Gustafson, A.B., Sutton, A.J.  Relating nutrient and herbicide fate with landscape features and characteristics of 15 subwatersheds in the Choptank River watershed.  Sci Total Environ. 409: 3866-3878, doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2011.05.024. 2011.


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