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Title: Hickory decline and mortality: Update on hickory decline research

Author: Juzwik, Jennifer; Park, Ji-Huyn; Haugen, Linda

Year: 2010

Publication: In: Feeley, Tivon, comp. Iowa's forest health report 2010. Des Moines, IA: Iowa Department of Natural Resources, Bureau of Forestry: 53-58.

Abstract: Research continued through the 2010 field season on the etiology of hickory decline that is characterized by thinning crowns with small, yellow leaves and hickory bark beetle attack on the upper main stem. This research is part of a larger project initiated in 2006 to assess the distribution and determine the cause(s) of Forest Health Monitoring reported decline and death of hickories in the north central and northeastern regions of the USA.

Last Modified: 9/22/2011

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