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Response and Restoration

Despite all of ISER’s efforts to promote reliability and resiliency in the energy sector, domestic and global events will occur that will disrupt the sector and ISER must always be prepared to respond.  In the face of both manmade and natural disasters, ISER applies cutting edge technical solutions and emergency management expertise to help overcome challenges inherent in quickly restoring an incredibly complex U.S. energy system.  ISER plans, trains, and coordinates year round with all relevant stakeholders so that it can meet our nation’s energy needs by deploying energy emergency responders to coordinate and facilitate system restoration activities with local, state, territorial, Federal, public and private sector stakeholders, in some cases, coordinating the utilization of certain legal authorities and waivers on behalf of the energy sector. ISER provides situational awareness of affected energy infrastructure and systems to the White House and the rest of the Federal government during an event, in coordination with state, local and industry stakeholders.

National Response Framework (NRF)
NRF ESF-12 Annex 
Presidential Policy Directive 8 
DOE Situation Reports