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Welcome to the Saltwater Recreational Data and Statistics query page. NOAA Fisheries maintains a searchable database of recreational saltwater fishing catch, effort, and participation data and statistics. Different types of queries are available to best meet your needs.

Additional data and information are available on our Data Downloads page.

New Features and Tools

Statistics on catch, harvest, and released fish for species in all coastal states are available through the National Summary Query.

Data Release Schedule - General

Preliminary estimates of catch, effort, and participation are available approximately 45 days following the end of a sampling wave.

Preliminary Date
Available (approx)
1Jan-FebApril 15
2Mar-AprJun 15
3May-JunAug 15
4Jul-AugOct 15
5Sept-OctDec 15
6Nov-DecFeb 15


Final estimates are generally posted by April 15 of the following year. Please note changes may occur between preliminary and final estimates due to quality assurance checks or changes in U.S. Census data that may impact our calculations.

Data Release Schedule – Specialized Surveys

Preliminary monthly LPS catch and effort estimates are available one month after the end of each one month sampling wave from June through October.  Final LPS estimates, along with HMS Catch Card estimates, are available in early January.

Learn more about our surveys and how we’re making improvements to them.