M7.1 - 31km SE of Lata, Solomon Islands 2013-02-08 15:26:38 UTC


Location and Magnitude contributed by: USGS National Earthquake Information Center


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    Impact Estimates

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    See PAGER XML link (above).

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    Historic Seismicity


    Location and Magnitude contributed by: USGS National Earthquake Information Center


    Preferred Location Parameters

    Parameter Value Uncertainty
    Magnitude 7.1 Mw Not Specified
    Location 10.932°S, 166.021°E ± 3.1 km
    Depth 21.0 km ± 0.0 km
    Number of Stations Used 267
    Number of Phases Used 267
    Minimum Distance 684.9 km (6.15°)
    Travel Time Residual 0.85 sec
    Azimuthal Gap 29°
    Review Status REVIEWED
    Event ID usc000f40j
    See the “Contributed Solutions” for a list of all contributed location parameters.

    Moment Tensor

    Moment Tensor EQXML

    Finite Fault Model

    Finite Fault

    Contributed Solutions

    Moment Tensor

    Finite Fault
