The Running Man nebula, Smoot 2013Are you a professional astronomer? Are you working towards a graduate degree in Astronomy?

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The AAS is pleased to announce the "soft-launch" of our new website and member communication system, which represents the culmination of very large amount of work by members of the AAS staff and external contractors over the past year and more.

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Don’t forget to make your hotel reservations before the prices increase!

An obituary is being prepared by the AAS Historical Astronomy Division. Contact the Chair of the Obituary Committee to supply or request additional information.

The IUPAP Young Scientist Medal of 2013 and Award of 1,000 EUR will be awarded for a scientist working in the field of astrophysics.

The current deadline for submitting observing proposals to the National Solar Observatory is 15 May 2013 for the third quarter of 2013. Information is available from the NSO Telescope Allocation Committee at P.O.

For a significant fraction of our membership, February is probably not their favorite month. Despite being the calendrical midget with the smallest number of days, for those on the job market it probably produces the largest amount of anxiety.