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Jamaica’s total expenditure on imports during the first six months of 2012 was valued US$3,120.8 million a decrease of US$40.0 million or 1.3 per cent when compared to the same period in 2011. Earnings from total exports during January to June 2012 were valued at US$847.1 million, down from US$848.5 million a decline of US$1.4 million. Read More
Current Indicators
Consumer Price Index
August 2012-184.1
Jamaica Trade Partners 04-09
Inflation Rate
Inflation Rate
Increase Over July 2012 +(0.5)%
March 2012 -August 2012 +(1.6)%
June 2012 Imports
Imports US $503,914
May 2012 Imports
Imports US $521,041
Producer Price Index
Producer Price Index
July 2012
July 2012 Index
   Mining & Quarrying -188.2
  Manufacturing - 221.3
July 2012 Percentage Change over June 2012
   Mining & Quarrying - (-7.6%)
   Manufacturing- (0.4%)
July 2011-July 2012
   Mining & Quarrying - (0.7%)
   Manufacturing- (5.2%)
June 2012 Exports
Total Exports  US $119,447
May 2012 Exports
Total Exports US $103,446
Gross Domestic Product(GDP)
Gross Domestic Product(GDP) June Quarter 2012
Rate of Growth of Value added at Constant Prices June Quarter 2012
(0.4%) increase over March Quarter 2012
0.2 % decline over June Quarter 2011
Employment Rate
Employment Rate
April 2012 -85.7%
Balance of Trade Unemployment Rate
Unemployment Rate
April 2012 -14.3%
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Last Updated: October 6, 2012
© 2012 Statistical Institute of Jamaica