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Compared to October, in November 2016 the level of construction costs in Latvia dropped by 0.1 %. Labour remuneration of workers reduced by 0.8 %, maintenance and operational costs of machinery and equipment dropped by 0.1 %, whereas the prices of building materials went up by 0.2 %.


New data have been published in sections: Geographical data; Consumer prices; Producer prices; Gross domestic product; Investment; Population: Number and Change; Occupied posts and job vacancies, paid working hours; Tourism.


According to data compiled by the Central Statistical Bureau (CSB), 14 572 residents celebrated their birthdays during Christmas in 2015 – 5 051 of them had their birthday on the Day before Christmas, 4 852 – on the Day of Christmas and 4 669 – on the Second Day of Christmas. On 24 December 2016, 9 352 women named Ieva and 191 men named Ādams will celebrate their Name day.


The Central Statistical Bureau has launched the survey “Quality of Life in Cities”, the aim of which is to acquire information on how satisfied residents of Daugavpils, Jelgava, Jēkabpils, Jūrmala, Liepāja, Rēzekne, Valmiera and Ventspils are with the quality of life in their cities.


Compared to October, in November 2016 the level of producer prices in Latvian industry increased by 0.3 %. Prices of products sold on the domestic market, as well as those of exported products rose by 0.3 %. The level of producer prices of exports to euro area countries grew by 0.7 %, while it remained unchanged for exports to non-euro area countries.

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Planned events

Monetary poverty and income inequality indicators in 2015
On retail trade in November 2016
Industrial production in November 2016
Foreign trade of Latvia in November 2016
Consumer price changes in December 2016

Hot statistics

Resident population

Resident population at the beginning of the year More

Inflation (consumer price changes)

In comparison with 2014 (2014=100), average consumer price level in 2015 increased by 0.2%.


Consumer price changes
(annual average), as % of previous year,

Real GDP growth rate

Real GDP in the 3rd quarter of 2016 (GDP volume percentage change on previous year according to the chain-linked seasonally non-adjusted data) has increased by 0.3 %


Real GDP growth rate by quarter

In November, construction costs decreased by 0.1 %
14 hours 24 min ago
9 352 women named Ieva and 191 men named Ādams will celebrate their Name day on Christmas Eve
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