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On its 150th Anniversary, Indiana Honors USDA with a Proclamation

Indiana State Office staff members of Natural Resources Conservation Service, Farm Service Agency, Rural Development, and the Risk Management Agency gathered in Indianapolis earlier this week to commemorate the 150th anniversary of the Department of Agriculture.

Following a luncheon, “Women in Agriculture and Natural Resources,” Indiana Lt. Governor Becky Skillman congratulated USDA attendees for their ongoing efforts and dedication to Indiana’s rural communities.  Additionally, Skillman presented a Proclamation from Governor Mitch Daniels which declared May 15, 2012, as “United States Department of Agriculture Day” in the State of Indiana.

May 15th marked exactly 150 years since President Lincoln signed an Act to establish the Department of Agriculture.  Since then, USDA has helped support the tremendous growth and success of American agriculture, drive economic growth, conserve natural resources, and build stronger communities and a stronger nation.

To read more about USDA’s 150th anniversary, click here.

Indiana Lt. Governor Becky Skillman (Center front row) joins Indiana State Office Staff members from Natural Resources Conservation Service, Farm Service Agency, Rural Development, and Risk Management Agency in celebrating USDA’s 150th birthday.

Indiana Lt. Governor Becky Skillman (Center front row) joins Indiana State Office Staff members from Natural Resources Conservation Service, Farm Service Agency, Rural Development, and Risk Management Agency in celebrating USDA’s 150th birthday.

One Response to “On its 150th Anniversary, Indiana Honors USDA with a Proclamation”

  1. Janet O'Dell says:

    The Story Behind the ‘Migrant Mother’ USDA Photographer Dorothea Lange Rescues Destitute Farm Workers.

    Awesome story!!! I think a GREAT followup story GREAT would be to find out where this Mother’s children/decedents are now and if they survived through the great depression intact and went on to produce heirs.

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