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Image: Food Nutrition & Assistance


Related Reports

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, formerly the Food Stamp Program)

SNAP/FSP participants, people in poverty, and unemployed people, 1980-2010

Average monthly SNAP/FSP benefits per person, fiscal 1980-2010

Distribution of SNAP/FSP participants by age and year

Number of SNAP/FSP households with earnings and welfare benefits, fiscal 1989-2010

Number of SNAP/FSP households with children, elderly or disabled members, fiscal 1989-2009

Share of SNAP/FSP households with children, elderly or disabled members, fiscal 1989-2010

SNAP/FSP participants and eligible people, fiscal 1994-2008

SNAP/FSP participation rates by group, fiscal 2000-2008

Number of SNAP/FSP households by household composition, fiscal 1989-2009

Share of SNAP/FSP households by household composition, fiscal 1989-2009


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Last updated: Monday, June 04, 2012

For more information contact: John A. Kirlin