U.S. Department of Justice

Beyond Going Home: From Reentry to Reintegration: Leaving Prison is Easy. Reintegration Is the Challenge.

Publication year: 2011 | Cataloged on: Nov. 19, 2012

Library ID

  • 026533

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  • 2011
  • 3 pages

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  • Beyond Going Home: From Reentry to Reintegration: Leaving Prison is Easy. Reintegration Is the Challenge.

Thumbnail preview ANNOTATION: This article provides excellent advice for individuals recently released from incarceration on how to successfully become a part of their communities. Tips for effective reintegration are: work to establish a positive relationship with your parole officer; establish positive connections in the community; meet the challenge of obtaining employment; get involved in positive community activities; and accept the fact that things out there are not how you remember them.

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