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Entering Intranet
Many links on the Web Guide are available to EPA Intranet users only. If you are an outside contractor working for EPA, please contact your EPA representative for more information. If you are another federal agency or other party interested in EPA's web policies and procedures, please contact EPA through the "Contact Us" page on this site.


Web or WebCMS Questions?

Email the EPA Call Center
1-866-411-4EPA (4372).
EPA Call Center

Computer Questions?

Call CTS
1-866-955-4CTS (4287).
EPA Call Center

Basic Information

This section addresses the necessary steps for obtaining a TSSMS account, accessing that account for the first time, and getting approval to publish online.

Before initiating a product for the Web, EPA data owners and managers should first consult with their office Web staff for internal procedures specific to that office. The Office of Public Affairs (OPA) Entering Intranet must then be notified about the topic or concept of the Web site to be developed. Office Directors and their equivalents are responsible for approving Web sites and ensuring that they are in compliance with the rules of publishing found in the Web Guide and other initiatives related to the overall management of the Agency's Web site.

If your Web site will do more than deliver HTML pages, files with ".html" or ".htm" extensions, you should also read the section of the Web Guide called Deploying Your Site. For information about what Web technologies the Agency supports, go to the FAQs Web Technologies Support section of the Web Guide.

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