
  • Macedonian students thank USAID for expanding their educational opportunities.

    Learn More
  • USAID supported growers in Macedonia to improve production and marketing technologies.

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  • With USAID support, the income of plastic waste collectors, like Jusuf, increased by 28%.

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  • Macedonian citizens join the campaign for free and fair elections supported by USAID.

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The Macedonia team's poster for the Innovative Education Forum
Macedonian Teachers Win European Grand Prix
A USAID staff member explains teacher certification procedures to a group of primary school teachers.
Certification Through Practice, Not Attendance
A forth-year high school student checks his graduation exam results online
Providing Online Tools for Students




USAID supports Macedonia’s efforts to strengthen democratic practices and institutions, increase economic growth, and improve the quality of education.

Democracy assistance focuses on strengthening the independence, transparency and professionalism of the judicial system, and improving parliamentary oversight. USAID also helps citizens increase effective oversight of their government through civic involvement, and by promoting independent and legitimate media.

The economic growth program focuses on improving the business environment and increasing the competitiveness of small- and medium-sized enterprises in sectors with potential for growth and job creation.

USAID works with the Ministry of Education to ensure that youth are equipped with the knowledge and skills that foster economic growth and reinforce an appreciation for diversity necessary in a multi-ethnic society. The Agency also strives to ensure equal access to education for all children.  


Contact Information

Mission Contact

Samoilova 21
1000 Skopje
Republic of Macedonia
+(389) 2 310 2000

Headquarters Contact

Lori Rakoczy
U.S. Agency for International Development
Bureau for Europe and Eurasia
(202) 567-4032
(202) 567-4261

Mission Director

Last updated: March 13, 2013

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