Deputy Secretary Burns Photos

-09/12/12   Photos: Deputy Secretary Burns Travels to Iraq
-07/25/12   Photos: Global Diaspora Forum Science Diaspora Reception
-07/08/12   Photo: Deputy Secretary Burns With Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi
-06/28/12   Photo: Deputy Secretary Burns Wth the Heads of Each P5 delegation
-06/21/12   Photo: Deputy Secretary Burns Hosts World Refugee Day Naturalization Ceremony
-06/13/12   Photo: Deputy Secretary Burns Opens U.S. Consulate in Herat, Afghanistan
-06/08/12   Photo: 35th anniversary of the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights & Labor
-06/04/12   Photos: U.S.-Nigeria Binational Commission
-04/06/12   Photo: Deputy Secretary Burns Meets With Students and Faculty at Syracuse University
-03/28/12   Photos: Deputy Secretary Burns Signs Political-Military Memorandum of Understanding
-03/01/12   Photos: Deputy Secretary Burns Travels to Brazil
-02/20/12   Photos: Deputy Secretary Burns Travels to Austria, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, and Croatia
-02/08/12   Photos: Deputy Secretary Burns With Colombian Vice President
-01/31/12   Photo: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration
-01/26/12   Photos: Deputy Secretary Burns Travels to Africa January 26-30, 2012
-01/09/12   Photos: Deputy Secretary Burns Travels to Turkey

-12/06/11   Photo: Deputy Secretary Burns With Winners of the Secretary of State's Award for Outstanding Volunteerism Abroad
-12/05/11   Photos: Deputy Secretary Burns at the U.S. Institute of Peace
-11/22/11   Photo: Forum for the Future
-11/18/11   Photos: Deputy Secretary Burns Meets With Confederation of Indian Industry CEOs
-11/08/11   Photo: Deputy Secretary Burns Participates in the Conference for USAID Mission Directors and Staff
-11/02/11   Photos: Istanbul Conference for Afghanistan
-10/12/11   Photo: U.S.-India Higher Education Summit
-10/05/11   Photos: Deputy Secretary Burns Meets With Honduras President
-09/21/11   Photos: Hispanic Heritage Month Celebration
-09/03/11   Photos: Deputy Secretary Burns Travels to Chile
-09/02/11   Photos: Deputy Secretary Burns Travels to Peru


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