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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality

HHS Initiative to Facilitate Payment of Child Support

Release Date: February 11, 1999


National Institutes of Health
Agency for Health Care Policy and Research

The purpose of this notice is to increase awareness of delinquency in child support payments. As stated in Executive Order #12953, issued February 27, 1995, "Children need and deserve the emotional and financial support of both their parents." Under this Executive Order, the Federal Government requires States and, through them, public and private employers to take actions necessary to ensure that monies in payment of child support obligations are withheld and transferred to the child's caretaker in an efficient and expeditious manner. The Federal Government, as the Nation's largest single employer, is establishing itself as an example of leadership and encouragement in ensuring that all children are properly supported.

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research (AHCPR) in partnership with the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), strongly urge grantee organizations to be aware and sensitive to this issue, and to develop and implement strategies that promote payment of child support. Payment of child support is a legal obligation and an investment in the health and well being of our Nation's best resource, our children. Public and private employers are required by law to report the name, address, and social security number of newly hired employees, and the employer's name, address, and IRS identification number to a designated State agency within 20 days of the date of hire. Employers must also ensure that correct amounts of child support are withheld from employees' wages for all, not only newly hired employees. The Department of Health and Human Services is committed to taking every possible step to ensuring that child support is paid regularly, on time, and in an appropriate amount. Children need and deserve this type of protection and involvement, and we thank you for your efforts on behalf of the Nation's children.


Questions concerning this notice may be directed to the NIH Division of Grants Policy at (301) 435-0949 or the AHCPR Office of Management, Grants Management Staff at (301) 427-1448.

AHCPR Publication No. 99-R041
Current as of February 1999

Internet Citation:

HHS Initiative to Facilitate Payment of Child Support. Grant announcement notice. Agency for Health Care Policy and Research, Rockville, MD.


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