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USAID | Afghanistan

From the American People

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About USAID/Afghanistan

Welcome to the USAID/Afghanistan website. Our website demonstrates how American taxpayer dollars are being used to help Afghanistan and its people to build a peaceful, prosperous, and democratic state. It features projects that are improving the lives of the Afghan people. The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) in Afghanistan implements these projects and works with a team of outstanding local and international partners to help carry them out. Our work in Afghanistan is an excellent example of how the American people are helping the people of Afghanistan build a better future.

With more than 15 billion dollars spent on development programs in Afghanistan since 2002, USAID provides the largest bilateral civilian assistance program to Afghanistan. Our work continues to be a vital support to Afghanistan in its efforts to ensure economic growth led by the private sector, establish a democratic and capable state governed by the rule of law, and provide basic services for its people.

The Afghan people rejoice in peace and freedom. They are dedicated to working for a better future for the generations to come. USAID assistance is crucial to achieving this goal. From rehabilitating the rural economy to developing financial organizations, increasing trade and export, and repairing the infrastructure for energy, transport, and water services, USAID assistance plays a major role helping to reconstruct this shattered country.

The people of Afghanistan democratically elected their government. USAID supports Afghanistan in its pledge to fully develop a stable, legitimate, and democratic state in which the voices of Afghan people are heard. USAID assists in building democratic institutions, and the capacity of those institutions to perform in a participatory, accountable, and responsible manner. USAID is helping the Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan in its efforts to build a strong judicial system that safeguards the rights of every Afghan citizen. USAID assists in the effort to enable Afghan citizens to be a part of a dynamic civil society and to participate in the decision-making process about the future of their country.

Afghanistan is committed to developing its human capital and providing its citizens with access to good quality basic health and education services. From building clinics and schools to ensuring equal opportunities to all citizens of Afghanistan, USAID provides training and capacity development to individuals, families, and communities to protect their health and develop the skills that enable them to contribute to the growth of their country. Only investment in Afghanistan's human capital - that is, in its people - will ultimately lead the country to prosperity, peace and stability on a long-term, sustainable basis.

We welcome any thoughts and comments you might have as we join together to meet this great challenge.