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  • Fact Checker: Domestic Violence

    Publication Date: 2007

    Domestic violence is the immediate cause of homelessness for many women and children. In November 2006, over 22,000 victims of domestic violence—12,000 children and 10,000 adults—received housing services from 1,243 domestic violence service providers. Domestic violence victims are often isolated from support networks and financial resources by their abusers, meaning they may lack steady income, employment and credit histories, an...

    Tags: violence; domestic violence; women

  • Domestic Violence and Homelessness

    Authors: National Coalition for the Homeless (NCH)

    Publication Date: 2009

    This fact sheet examines the relationship between domestic violence and homelessness. A list of resources for further study is also provided.

    Tags: domestic violence; relationship; resources


  • Domestic Violence and Homelessness

    Publication Date: 1999

    This fact sheet examines the relationship between domestic violence and homelessness. A list of resources for further study is also provided. (NCH)

    Tags: women; domestic violence; violence


  • Women, Housing, Homelessness and Domestic Violence

    Authors: Malos, Ellen; Hague, Gill

    Journal Name: Women's Studies International Forum

    Publication Date: 1997

    Many women's lives are still deeply affected by unequal power relationships between men and women and by conventional expectations about domesticity as well as by the actualities of their responsibilities for the care of children and the home in which they live. If women experience violence from a husband or male partner, the violence may be intimately connected with these expectations and realities. If they then have to leave home because of the violence, their pro...

    Tags: women; legislation; violence; domestic violence


  • National Coalition Against Domestic Violence

    Publication Date: 2007

    The Mission of the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV) is to organize for collective power by advancing transformative work, thinking and leadership of communities and individuals working to end the violence in our lives.

    Tags: domestic violence; crime; coalition; legal help; legal assistance


  • Domestic Violence, Homelessness, and Children's Education

    Organization: National Center for Homeless Education (NCHE) at SERVE

    Publication Date: 2004

    This brief outlines the consequences of domestic violence for children and the federal legislative responses: the McKinney-Vento Act and the Federal Education Rights and Privacy Act. It also provides policies and practices for schools and service providers as well as resources for more information.

    Tags: education; McKinney Title 1; domestic violence; children


  • Domestic Violence in the Lives of Women Receiving Welfare

    Authors: Tolman, Richard; Rosen, Daniel

    Journal Name: Violence Against Women

    Publication Date: 2001

    Using data from a random sample of women from the welfare caseload in an urban Michigan county, the authors investigate the prevalence of domestic violence and its association with mental health, health, and economic well-being. Nearly a quarter of the women experienced physical partner violence in the past 12 months, and almost two thirds in their lifetimes. Recent victims had significantly higher rates of five psychiatric disorders (depression, generalized anxiety disorder...

    Tags: domestic violence; welfare; women

  • Domestic Violence, Crime and Victims Act 2004

    Publication Date: 2004

    An Act to amend Part 4 of the Family Law Act 1996, the Protection from Harassment Act 1997 and the Protection from Harassment (Northern Ireland) Order 1997; to make provision about homicide; to make common assault an arrestable offence; to make provision for the payment of surcharges by offenders; to make provision about alternative verdicts; to provide for a procedure under which a jury tries only sample counts on an indictment; to make provision about findings of unfitness to plead and about persons...

    Tags: domestic violence

  • Domestic Violence and Poverty: The Narratives of Homeless Women

    Authors: Williams, Jean Calterone

    Journal Name: Frontiers: A Journal of Women Studies

    Publication Date: 1998

    Among the many reasons for homelessness, domestic violence and low-cost housing shortages experienced within a context of poverty are fundamental for low-income women living in shelters. Women interviewed in homeless and battered women’s shelters in Phoenix, Arizona, describe a process of becoming homeless that usually involves a combination of interlocking events and factors, such that it is impossible to isolate one explanation for a woman’s homelessness. Nonetheless, women’s stori...

    Tags: women; violence; domestic violence; poverty; personal accounts


  • The Nexus of Domestic Violence and Poverty: Resilience in Women’s Anxiety

    Authors: Williams, Stacey L.; Mickelson, Kristin D.

    Journal Name: Violence Against Women

    Publication Date: 2004

    This study extends past research by examining the mediating role of cognitive and social resilience in the domestic violence–anxiety relation. Mediation is tested on a sample of 100 impoverished women from the Women’s Health Outcomes in Urban and Rural Environments (Women’s HOUR) Study. Regression analysis and structural equation modeling provide consistent support for the proposed model: poor women’s violence experience impairs support and self-esteem, which in turn influen...

    Tags: domestic violence; women; resilience

  • Trauma and Trauma-Informed Care Training for Domestic Violence Service Providers

    Publication Date: 2008 is a cost effective, accessible, dynamic e-learning facility providing relevant, timely training and discussion to the domestic violence victim service provider community. Funded by OVW, a department of the U.S. Department of Justice, this facility will offer timely courses on topics, trends and issues relevant to service providers serving domestic violence victims. (Authors)

    Tags: domestic violence; trauma-informed care; training


  • Weaving a Tangled Safety Net - the Intergenerational Legacy of Domestic Violence and Poverty

    Authors: Purvin, Diane M.

    Journal Name: Violence against women

    Publication Date: 2003

    Although researchers have documented the close connection between witnessing domestic violence as a female child and being abused in later relationships, the details of women's experiences over time are not well understood. Similarly, researchers have only begun to explore the connections between domestic violence and poverty and the profound consequences and damaging correlates of intimate abuse for poor mothers. This research report presents a case study to highli...

    Tags: women; violence; domestic violence; female child


  • Sally Never Cries - a song about domestic violence

    Authors: Power, Asetha

    Publication Date: 2010

    Asetha is a singer and songwriter that has also worked as a writer, knowledge mobilizer and research/policy analyst for many federal government initiatives related to homelessness and housing instability. She is most proud of her part in helping to create The Homeless Hub. She believes the website can be a catalyst for a major shift in how homelessness is understood and addressed. Through both her professional and personal life, Asetha has come to understand that life can deliver unmanageable circumst...

    Tags: domestic violence

  • Empowering Survivors of Domestic Violence: Q&A with Mary Reardon Johnson

    Authors: Crotts, Katrina

    Mary Reardon Johnson, Executive Director of the YWCA of Western Massachusetts, talks with HRC’s Katrina Crotts. She shares how her organization provides safe and secure shelter for women and children fleeing domestic violence. Thirty-nine percent of cities surveyed in 2007 cited domestic violence as the primary cause of family homelessness (U.S. Conference of Mayors, 2007). Mary emphasizes the importance of empowering women as survivors, not victims, and of recogniz...

    Tags: feature; domestic violence; women


  • Sanctuary in a Domestic Violence Shelter: A Team Approach to Healing

    Authors: Madsen, Libbe; Blitz, Lisa; McCorkle, David; Panzer, Paula

    Journal Name: Psychiatric Quarterly

    Publication Date: 2003

    For survivors of domestic violence, the ongoing effects of trauma are compounded by the context of their abusive experience. Injury caused by a person one has loved and trusted damages beliefs about oneself, other people, and the world. Staff members of various disciplines and educational backgrounds who work in domestic violence shelters are dealing with this damage as well as the impact of trauma on shelter residents. They face the challenge of observing and respo...

    Tags: emergency shelters; violence; domestic violence


  • Domestic Violence, Criminal Justice Responses and Homelessness: Finding the Connection and Addressing the Problem

    Authors: Bufkin, Jana L.; Bray, Judith

    Journal Name: Journal of Social Distress and the Homeless

    Publication Date: 1998

    This literature review investigates whether there is a connection between lack of social control in domestic abuse calls and the rising numbers of homeless females and mothers, considering that many homeless women fled situations of domestic abuse. The authors address this knowledge gap, suggest future research necessary to outline the proposed link between weak criminal justice responses and female homelessness, and provide policy initiatives to correct these flaws, such as prioriti...

    Tags: violence; domestic violence; families with children; single women


  • Black, minority ethnic and refugee women, domestic violence and access to housing

    Authors: Gill, Aisha; Banga, Baljit

    Organization: Race Equality Foundation

    Publication Date: 2008

    Obtaining dependable data on black and minority ethnic (BME) housing needs is difficult. There is national evidence, however, that people from black, minority ethnic and refugee (BMER) backgrounds find it difficult to access services, and are less likely to be aware of services and housing options available to them (Netto et al., 2001). This is a particular problem for more vulnerable individuals, such as older people, homeless people and victims of domestic violence. BMER women in p...

    Tags: domestic violence; minority groups; ethnic minorities; affordable housing; women


  • It Shouldn't Take An Inquest, a Review of the Literature Examining Links Between Domestic Violence and Homelessness

    Authors: Braun, Tracey; Black, Julie

    Publication Date: 2003

    This literature review focus on homeless women. It adds to the way homelessness is conceptualised in Canada by tracing the connections being made between the changing demographics of people living on the street or otherwise homeless and the experience of and societal response to domestic violence.

    Tags: literature review; domestic violence; women; single women


  • Representation of Domestic Violence Survivors As a New Paradigm of Poverty Law: in Search of Access, Connection, and Voice

    Authors: Margulies, Peter

    Journal Name: The George Washington law review

    Publication Date: 1995

    Domestic violence is almost invisible in poverty law and lawyering. Although individual legal services lawyers have made substantial contributions to work against domestic violence, legal services programs have determined priorities through a skewed triage system that neglects domestic violence issues. In addition, traditional poverty scholars have ignored how domestic violence exacerbates poverty and causes homelessness. Rather t...

    Tags: poverty; legislation; domestic violence; crime; legal assistance

  • Domestic violence, housing instability, and homelessness: A review of housing policies and program practices for meeting the needs of survivors

    Authors: Baker, Charlene K. ; Billhardt, Kris A. ; Warren, Joseph; Rollins, Chiquita; Glass, Nancy E.

    Journal Name: Aggression and Violent Behavior

    Publication Date: 2010

    Evidence suggests that domestic violence is among the leading causes of housing instability (including homelessness) nationally for women and children. In this paper, we focus on housing policies and practices that may inadvertently make it more difficult for women to secure stable housing after having left an abusive partner. We review the types of housing options available for survivors of domestic violence, as well as housing policies and practices, including the...

    Tags: domestic violence; housing instability; housing policy

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