Arctic Ocean: Shell Oil

Fraccidents Map

Climate Change

unEarthed: Top 10

Shell Drill Rigs Requiring Extra Federal Attention

It’s time for the Obama administration to halt dangerous, dirty, and misguided operations in the Arctic Ocean.  Read Trip's Column.

Fraccidents: Fracking Across the United States

Along with the country's fracking-fueled gas rush have come troubling reports of poisoned drinking water, polluted air and more.  View map.

All-Out Strategy: Tackling Climate Change

As Americans rise up after superstorm Sandy and demand action on climate change, Earthjustice plans for a clean energy future.  Learn how.

The Top 10 unEarthed Stories of 2012

Blog posts about Earth's magnificent places and creatures were the most popular themes for unEarthed readers in 2012.  Read Top 10.


Campaign Spotlight

The Headley family's spring in Pennsylvania is flammable. The horses stopped drinking the spring when it began to bubble. (J.B. Pribanic)

Fracking Gone Wrong: Finding A Better Way:
Fracking, also known as hydraulic fracturing or industrial gas drilling, is a dangerous way of getting oil and gas and a shortsighted energy strategy. It's poisoning our air and water and on its way to jeopardizing the health of millions.
Learn about fracking

About Earthjustice


Earthjustice is a non-profit public interest law organization dedicated to protecting the magnificent places, natural resources, and wildlife of this earth, and to defending the right of all people to a healthy environment.
Learn more about us

Did you know?

Here are eight things you should know about Earthjustice, and why the earth truly does have a good lawyer:

1. The largest public interest environmental law firm. 2. Our cases. 3. Working for the public good. 4. Policy experts. 5. Our clients. 6. Major long-term issues. 7. Our successes. 8. Your gift does double duty.