Dear President Obama: Africa is calling Read More


Africare supports Coca-Cola's commitment to bringing water purification to Africa Read More


News24 covers Africare's efforts in S. Africa Watch


        • Africare Receives Four-Star Rating from Charity Navigator Read More


Annual Bishop Walker Dinner First Lady of Tanzania, Her Excellency Mama Salma Kikwete visits Africare. Obama Water Project Africare Wins Best Practice Award
Annual Bishop Walker Dinner

Africare will honor President Barack Obama and Dr. Mo Ibrahim at its 2013 Bishop John T. Walker Memorial Dinner
See details

  • Annual Bishop Walker Dinner

    Africare will honor President Barack Obama and Dr. Mo Ibrahim at its 2013 Bishop John T. Walker Memorial Dinner
    See details

  • Show Africa Love

    Show Love for Africa, follow us on Facebook and Twitter.
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  • Africare's Donor Spotlight

    Learn more about this month's donor spotlight here

  • Girl Rising Film

    Reserve your tickets today to the screening of "Girl Rising."

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2011 Annual Report

Read about Africa's Moment in July's issue of Fortune magazine.

The African Children's Choir

Africare is very pleased and excited to announce that the African Children's Choir will perform at the 2013 Bishop John T. Walker Memorial Dinner Gala, Saturday  April 20 at the Hilton Washington Hotel,
Washington, D.C. 

President's Corner

2013 Annual Bishop John T. Walker Dinner Gala: Celebrating African Leadership


This year marks the 50th Anniversary of the establishment of the Organization of African Unity (OAU). The founding fathers of the OAU, that great generation of Pan-Africanists, laid the foundation for the growing solidarity of Africa, ushering the moral clarity of the liberation struggles across the continent like a tidal wave that culminated in South Africa’s liberation, and the ousting of dictators and repressive regimes from Ethiopia, Rwanda, Uganda and Liberia. Having achieved this political independence, the OAU made way for the African Union and is focused today on achieving Africa’s second independence — a strong, unified, self-reliant Africa to fulfill the continent's aspirations for peace, democracy and development.
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