Journal Articles : 2009

AuthorArticle TitleJournalFunded By
de GouwEmission and chemistry of organic carbon in the gas and aerosol phase at a sub-urban site near Mexico City in March 2006 during the MILAGRO study (Citation)Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics ARM
De HaanAtmospheric condensed-phase reactions of glyoxal with amino acids (Citation)Environmental Science & Technology ARM
De HaanAtmospheric condensed-phase reactions of glyoxal with methylamine (Citation)Geophysical Research Letters
DeWittReduction in haze formation rate on prebiotic Earth in the presence of hydrogen (Citation)Astrobiology ASP
WangA method for estimating optical properties of dusty cloud (Citation)Chinese Optics Letters ARM
WangRemote sensing of cirrus cloud vertical size profile using MODIS data (Citation)Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres ARM
WilliamsThe electrification of dust-lofting gust fronts ('haboobs') in the Sahel (Citation)Atmospheric Research ARM
YueCirrus cloud optical and microphysical properties determined from AIRS infrared spectra (Citation)Geophysical Research Letters ARM
RickenbachRadar-observed squall line propagation and the diurnal cycle of convection in Niamey, Niger, during the 2006 African monsoon and multidisciplinary analyses intensive observing period (Citation)Journal of Geophysical Research - Part D - Armospheres ARM
PakulaThe role of radiation in influencing tropical cloud distributions in a radiative-convective equillibrium cloud-resolving model (Citation)Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences ARM
PinkerEvaluation of satellite estimates of land surface temperature from GOES over the United States (Citation)Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology ARM
PrenniIce nuclei characteristics from M-PACE and their relation to ice formation in clouds (Citation)Tellus ARM
SlingoOverview of observations from the RADAGAST experiment in Niamey, Niger: 2. Radiative fluxes and divergences (Citation)Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres ARM
FengA method to merge WSR-88D data with ARM SGP millimeter cloud radar data by studying deep convective systems (Citation)Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology ARM
CetroneAnvil clouds of tropical mesoscale convective systems in monsoon regions (Citation)Quarterly Journal Royal Meteorological Society ARM
ComstockUnderstanding ice supersaturation, particle growth, and number concentration in cirrus clouds (Citation)Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres ARM
DavisDoppler lidar observations of sensible heat flux and intercomparisons with a ground-based energy balance station and WRF model output (Citation)Meteorologische Zeitschrift ARM
IassamenDistribution of tropospheric water vapor in clear and cloudy conditions from microwave radiometric profiling (Citation)Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology ARM
MayAerosol and thermodynamic effects on tropical cloud systems during TWPICE and ACTIVE (Citation)Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics ARM
LeeAerosol effects on liquid-water path of thin stratocumulus clouds (Citation)Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres ARM
IvanovaTracking nucleation-growth-sublimation in cirrus clouds using ARM millimeter wavelength radar observations (Citation)Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres ARM
AlexandrovColumnar water vapor retrievals from multifilter rotating shadowband radiometer data (Citation)Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres ARM
RiihimakiAnalyzing the contribution of aerosols to an observed increase in direct normal irradiance in Oregon (Citation)Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres ARM
BerndtThe evolution of mesoscale ingredients that created an intense snowband on 15 March 2004 in Des Moines, Iowa (Citation)Electronic Journal of Operational Meteorology - National Weather Association ARM
WangEvaluating deep updraft formulation in NCAR CAM3 with high-resolution WRF simulations during ARM TWP-ICE (Citation)Geophysical Research Letters ARM
LongSignificant decadal brightening of downwelling shortwave in the continental United States (Citation)Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres ARM
KishchaVariations of meridional aerosol distribution and solar dimming (Citation)Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres ARM
ChenEvaluation of tropical cloud regimes in observations and a general circulation model (Citation)Climate Dynamics ARM
WuWRF and GISS SCM simulations of convective updraft properties during TWP-ICE (Citation)Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres ARM
WildGlobal dimming and brightening: An update beyond 2000 (Citation)Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres ARM
ChiuPhysical interpretation of the spectral radiative signature in the transition zone between cloud-free and cloudy regions (Citation)Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics ARM
JareckaModeling of subgrid-scale mixing in large-eddy simulation of shallow convection (Citation)Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences ARM
AndrejczukNumerical simulation of cloud-clear air interfacial mixing: Homogeneous versus inhomogeneous mixing (Citation)Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences ARM
SolomonInvestigation of microphysical parameterizations of snow and ice in arctic clouds during M-PACE through model-observation comparisons (Citation)Monthly Weather Review ARM
UmSingle-scattering properties of aggregates of plates (Citation)Quarterly Journal Royal Meteorological Society ARM
CollierAerosol direct forcing of the summer Indian monsoon as simulated by the NCAR CAM3 (Citation)Climate Dynamics ARM
McFarlaneSurface shortwave aerosol radiative forcing during the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Mobile Facility deployment in Niamey, Niger (Citation)Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres ARM
McComiskeyAn assessment of aerosol-cloud interactions in marine stratus clouds based on surface remote sensing (Citation)Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres ARM
ZengAn indirect effect of ice nuclei on atmospheric radiation (Citation)Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences ARM
ZengA contribution by ice nuclei to global warming (Citation)Quarterly Journal Royal Meteorological Society ARM
ChampollionMesoscale GPS tomography applied to the 12 June 2002 convective initiation event of IHOP_2002 (Citation)Quarterly Journal Royal Meteorological Society ARM
CadedduA neural network for real-time retrievals of PWV and LWP from Arctic millimeter-wave ground-based observations (Citation)IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing ARM
FanIce formation in arctic mixed-phase clouds: Insights from a 3-D cloud-resolving model with size-resolved aerosol and cloud microphysics (Citation)Journal of Geophysical Research ARM
ProtatAssessment of CloudSat reflectivity measurements and ice cloud properties using ground-based and airborne cloud radar observations (Citation)Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology ARM
ProtatThe statistical properties of tropical ice clouds generated by the West-African and Australian monsoons from ground-based radar-lidar observations (Citation)Quarterly Journal Royal Meteorological Society ARM
JohnsonMeasurements of aerosol properties from aircraft, satellite and ground-based remote sensing: A case study from the Dust and Biomass-burning Experiment (DABEX) (Citation)Quarterly Journal Royal Meteorological Society ARM
MorrisonImpact of cloud microphysics on the development of trailing stratiform precipitation in a simulated squall line: Comparison of one- and two-moment schemes (Citation)Monthly Weather Review ARM
MorrisonIntercomparison of model simulations of mixed-phase clouds observed during the ARM Mixed-Phase Arctic Cloud Experiment, Part II: Multi-layered cloud (Citation)Quarterly Journal Royal Meteorological Society ARM
KleinIntercomparison of model simulations of mixed-phase clouds observed during the ARM Mixed-Phase Arctic Cloud Experiment. Part I: Single layer cloud. (Citation)Quarterly Journal Royal Meteorological Society ARM
LinSeasonal variation of the physical properties of marine boundary layer clouds off the California coast (Citation)Journal of Climate ARM
LinSimulation of low clouds from the CAM and the regional WRF with multiple nested resolutions (Citation)Geophysical Research Letters ARM
WangTesting ice microphysics parameterizations in the NCAR Community Atmospheric Model Version 3 using Tropical Warm Pool-International Cloud Experiment data (Citation)Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres ARM
OuRetrievals of mixed-phase cloud properties during the National Polar-Orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite System (Citation)Applied Optics ARM
OuSatellite remote sensing of dust aerosol indirect effects on ice cloud formation (Citation)Applied Optics ARM
de BoerArctic mixed-phase stratiform cloud properties from multiple years of surface-based measurements at two high-latitude locations (Citation)Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences ARM
VarnaiMODIS observations of enhanced clear sky reflectance near clouds (Citation)Geophysical Research Letters ARM
MarshakSpectral invariant behavior of zenith radiance around cloud edges observed by ARM SWS (Citation)Geophysical Research Letters ARM
NeggersA dual mass flux framework for boundary layer convection. Part I: Transport (Citation)Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences ARM
NeggersA dual mass flux scheme for boundary layer convection. Part II: Clouds (Citation)Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences ARM
MatrosovA method to estimate vertically integrated amounts of cloud ice and liquid and mean rain rate in stratiform precipitation from radar and auxiliary data (Citation)Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology ARM
RotstaynCloud droplet spectral dispersion and the indirect aerosol effect: Comparison of two treatments in a GCM (Citation)Geophysical Research Letters ARM
HechImaging of atmospheric gravity waves in the stratosphere and upper mesosphere using satellite and ground-based observations over Australia during TWPICE campaign (Citation)Journal of Geophysical Research ARM
XieObserved large-scale structures and diabatic heating and drying profiles during TWP-ICE (Citation)Journal of Climate ARM
MatherCloud classes and radiative heating profiles at the Manus and Nauru Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) sites (Citation)Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres ARM
CazorlaTechnical note: Determination of aerosol optical properties by a calibrated sky imager (Citation)Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics ARM
CiminiComparison of ground-based millimeter-wave observations and simulations in the arctic winter (Citation)IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing ARM
GrabowskiDiffusional and accretional growth of water drops in a rising adiabatic parcel: Effects of the turbulent collision kernal (Citation)Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics ARM
HendersonMultiyear evaluations of a cloud model using ARM data (Citation)Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences ARM
KalthoffThe impact of convergence zones on the initiation of deep convection: A case study from COPS (Citation)Atmospheric Research ARM
KokhanovskyIntercomparison of ground-based radar and satellite cloud-top height retrievals for overcast single-layered cloud fields (Citation)IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing ARM
LeeComparison of a global-climate model simulation to a cloud-system resolving model simulation for long-term thin stratocumulus clouds (Citation)Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics ARM
LyapustinRetrieval of snow grain size over Greenland from MODIS (Citation)Remote Sensing Environment ARM
MaestriRetrieval of cloud optical properties from multiple infrared hyperspectral measurements: A methodology based on a line-by-line multiple-scattering code (Citation)Geophysical Research Letters ARM
SednevSimulating mixed-phase arctic stratus clouds: Sensitivity to ice initiation mechanisms (Citation)Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics ARM
ArgenceSummer precipitation in the Vosges-Black Forest region: Pre-COPS investigations (Citation)Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics ARM
BattagliaRain observations by a multifrequency dual-polarized radiometer (Citation)IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing ARM
BharmalSimulation of surface and top of atmosphere thermal fluxes and radiances from the radiative atmospheric divergence Using the ARM mobile facility, GERB data, and AMMA stations experiment (Citation)Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres ARM
BourrasTurbulent air-sea fluxes in the Gulf of Guinea during the AMMA experiment (Citation)Journal of Geophysical Research-OCEANS ARM
KanniahAerosols and their influence on radiation partitioning and productivity in northern Australia (Citation)Theoretical and Applied Climatology ARM
VignolaTesting a model of IR radiative losses (Citation)Optical Modeling and Measurements for Solar Energy Systems III ARM
CaineObjective classification of precipitating convective regimes using a weather radar in Darwin, Australia (Citation)Monthly Weather Review ARM
FerrettiA study of the triggering mechanisms for deep convection in the tropics using a mesoscale model: Hector events during Scout-O3 and TWP-ICE campaigns (3.10) (Citation)Atmospheric Research ARM
GabrielStatistical approaches to error identification for plane-parallel retrievals of optical and microphysical properties of three-dimensional clouds: Bayesian inference (Citation)Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres ARM
HanA new IR technique for monitoring low cloud properties using geostationary satellite data (Citation)Atmospheric Science Letters ARM
HollowayMoisture vertical structure, column water vapor, and tropical deep convection (Citation)Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences ARM
KhvorostyanovCritical humidities of homogeneous and heterogeneous ice nucleation: Inferences from extended classical nucleation theory (Citation)Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres ARM
KneifelInvestigating water vapor variability by ground-based microwave radiometry: Evaluation using airborne observations (Citation)Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters ARM
KolliasCloud, thermodynamic, and precipitation observations in West Africa during 2006 (Citation)Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres ARM
LiForecasting and nowcasting improvement in cloudy regions with high temporal GOES sounder infrared radiance measurements (Citation)Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres ARM
LiuValidation of moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer (MODIS) albedo retrieval algorithm: Dependence of albedo on solar zenith angle (Citation)Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres ARM
LiuOn the improvement of Coamps weather forecasts using an advanced radiative transfer model (Citation)Weather and Forecasting ARM
LohnertGround-based temperature and humidity profiling using spectral infrared and microwave observations. Part I: Simulated retrieval performance in clear-sky conditions (Citation)Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology ARM
MattioliAnalysis and improvements of cloud models for propagation studies (Citation)Radio Science ARM
MillerSeasonal contrast in the surface energy balance of the Sahel (Citation)Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres ARM
VeldenIdentifying the uncertainty in determining satellite-derived atmospheric motion vector height attribution (Citation)Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology ARM
WalshArctic cloud fraction and radiative fluxes in atmospheric reanalyses (Citation)Journal of Climate ARM
WangEvaluating regional cloud-permitting simulations of the WRF model for the Tropical Warm Pool International Cloud Experiment (TWP-ICE, Darwin 2006) (Citation)Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres ARM
CaineObjective classification of precipitating convective regimes using a weather radar in Darwin (Australia) (Citation)Monthly Weather Review ARM
ZhuConvection in a parameterized and super-parameterized model and its role in the representation of the MJO (Citation)Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences ARM
CrewellCan liquid water profiles be retrieved from passive microwave zenith observations? (Citation)Geophysical Research Letters ARM
NewsomSimultaneous analog and photon counting detection for Raman lidar (Citation)Applied Optics ARM
TurnerModifications to the water vapor continuum in the microwave suggested by ground-based 150 GHz observations (Citation)IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing ARM
MichalskyImproved broadband solar irradiance from the multi-filter rotating shadowband radiometer (Citation)Solar Energy ARM
BrioudeEffect of biomass burning on marine stratocumulus clouds off the California coast (Citation)Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics ARM
MatrosovSimultaneous estimates of cloud and rainfall parameters in the atmospheric vertical column above the Atmospheric Radiation Measurements Program southern Great Plains site (Citation)Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres ARM
ZhangInteraction of deep and shallow convection is key to Madden-Julian Oscillation simulation (Citation)Geophysical Research Letters ARM
SongConvection parameterization, tropical Pacific couble ITCZ, and upper ocean biases in the NCAR CCSM3. Part I: climatology and atmospheric feedback (Citation)Journal of Climate ARM
SchmidValidation of aerosol extinction and water vapor profiles from routine Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Program Climate Research Facility measurements (Citation)Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres ARM
DeVoreRetrieving properties of thin clouds from solar aureole measurements (Citation)Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology ARM
MenonBlack carbon aerosols and the third polar ice cap (Citation)Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics ARM
QuaasAerosol indirect effects - general circulation model intercomparison and evaluation with satellite data (Citation)Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics ARM
BringiUsing dual-polarized radar and dual-frequency profiler for DSD characterization: A case study from Darwin, Australia (Citation)Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology ARM
ChungA satellite-based assessment of upper-tropospheric water vapor measurements during AFWEX (Citation)Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology ARM
HechtImaging of atmospheric gravity waves in the stratosphere and upper mesosphere using satellite and ground-based observations over Australia during the TWP-ICE campaign (Citation)Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres ARM
HollerLightning characteristics observed by a VLF/LF lightning detection network (Linet) in Brazil, Australia, Africa and Germany (Citation)Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics ARM
HuntrieserNOx production by lightning in Hector: First airborne measurements during Scout-O3/Active (Citation)Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics ARM
LeeImpacts of aerosol chemical composition on microphysics and precipitation in deep convection (Citation)Atmospheric Research ARM
PadmanabhanRetrieval of atmospheric water vapor density with fine spatial resolution using three-dimensional tomographic inversion of microwave brightness temperatures measured by a network of scanning compact radiometers (Citation)IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing ARM
RomanThe MODIS (collection V005) BRDF/albedo product: Assessment of spatial representativeness over forested landscapes (Citation)Remote Sensing Environment ARM
SlawinskaThe impact of atmospheric aerosols on precipitation from deep organized convection: A prescribed-flow model study using double-moment bulk microphysics (Citation)Quarterly Journal Royal Meteorological Society ARM
HuangHigh resolution retrieval of liquid water vertical distributions using collocated Ka-band and W-band cloud radars (Citation)Geophysical Research Letters ARM
YannuzziStatistical analysis of forecasting models across the North Slope of Alaska during the Mixed-Phase Arctic Clouds Experiment (Citation)Weather and Forecasting ARM
NohOptical and microphysical properties of severe haze and smoke aerosol measured by integrated remote sensing techniques in Gwangju, Korea (Citation)Atmospheric Environment ARM
WongHigh resolution aerosol optical thickness retrieval over the Pearl River Delta region with improved aerosol modelling (Citation)Science in China, Series D: Earth Sciences ARM
FanDominant role by vertical wind shear in regulating aerosol effects on deep convective clouds (Citation)Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres ARM
LiUncertainties in satellite remote sensing of aerosols and impact on monitoring its long-term trend: a review and perspective (Citation)Annales Geophysicae ARM
HoganVerification of cloud-fraction forecasts (Citation)Quarterly Journal Royal Meteorological Society ARM
LanceCloud condensation nuclei activity, closure, and droplet growth kinetics of Houston aerosol during the Gulf of Mexico Atmospheric Composition and Climate Study (GoMACCS) (Citation)Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres ASP
KaramEstimate of Sahelian dust emissions in the intertropical discontinuity region of the West African Monsoon (Citation)Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres ARM
MarchandEvaluation of hydrometeor occurrence profiles in the multiscale modeling framework climate model using atmospheric classification (Citation)Journal of Climate ARM
AhlgrimmEvaluating cloud frequency of occurrence and cloud-top height using spaceborne lidar observations (Citation)Monthly Weather Review ARM
AikenMexico City aerosol analysis during MILAGRO using high resolution aerosol mass spectrometry at the urban Sspersite (T0). Part 1: Fine particle composition and organic source apportionment (Citation)Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussion ASP
BahreiniOrganic aerosol formation in urban and industrial plumes near Houston and Dallas (Citation)Journal of Geophysical Research ASP
BarsantiThe potential contribution of organic salts to new particle growth (Citation)Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics ARM ASP
BarnardClosure on the single scattering albedo in the WRF-Chem framework using data from the MILAGRO campaign (Citation)Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics ASP
ChakrabartyLow fractal dimension cluster-dilute soot aggregates from a premixed flame (Citation)Physical Review Letters ASP
ChanModeling of secondary organic aerosol yields from laboratory chamber data (Citation)Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics ASP
ChanSecondary organic aerosol formation from photooxidation of naphthalene and alkylnaphthalenes: implications for oxidation of intermediate volatility organic compounds (IVOCs) (Citation)Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics ASP
ChanPhotooxidation of 2-Methyl-3-Buten-2-ol (MBO) as a potential source of secondary organic aerosol (Citation)Environmental Science & Technology ASP
ChangSensitivity of aerosol properties to new particle formation mechanism and to primary emissions in a continental scale chemical transport model (Citation)Journal of Geophysical Research ASP
ChapmanCoupling aerosol-cloud-radiative processes in the WRF-Chem model: Investigating the radiative impact of elevated point sources (Citation)Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics ASP
CrounseBiomass burning and urban air pollution over the Central Mexican Plateau (Citation)Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics ARM
de GouwOrganic aerosols in the Earth’s atmosphere (Citation)Environmental Science & Technology ASP
ErvensCCN predictions using simplified assumptions of organic aerosol composition and mixing state: a synthesis from six different locations (Citation)Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics ASP
JimenezEvolution of organic aerosols in the atmosphere (Citation)Science ARM ASP
BahreiniOrganic aerosol formation in urban and industrial plumes near Houston and Dallas, Texas (Citation)Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres ASP
DzepinaEvaluation of new secondary organic aerosol models for a case study in Mexico City (Citation)Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics ASP
FastEvaluating simulated primary anthropogenic and biomass burning organic aerosols during MILAGRO: implications for assessing treatments of secondary organic aerosols (Citation)Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics ASP
Finlayson-PittsReactions at surfaces in the atmosphere: integration of experiments and theory as necessary (but not necessarily sufficient) for predicting the physical chemistry of aerosols (Citation)Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics ASP
FaulhaberCharacterization of a thermodenuder-particle beam mass spectrometer system for the study of organic aerosol volatility and composition (Citation)Atmospheric Measurement Techniques ASP
GaffneyThe impacts of combustion emissions on air quality and climate – From coal to biofuels and beyond (Citation)Atmospheric Environment ASP
GanttA new physically-based quantification of marine isoprene and primary organic aerosol emissions (Citation)Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics ASP
GallowayGlyoxal uptake on ammonium sulphate seed aerosol: reaction products and reversibility of uptake under dark and irradiated conditions (Citation)Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics ASP
GilardoniCharacterization of organic ambient aerosol during MIRAGE 2006 on three platforms (Citation)Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics ASP
GuntheCloud condensation nuclei in pristine tropical rainforest air of Amazonia: size-resolved measurements and modeling of atmospheric aerosol composition and CCN activity (Citation)Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics ASP
HallquistThe formation, properties and impact of secondary organic aerosol: current and emerging issues (Citation)Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics ASP
HodzicModeling organic aerosols during MILAGRO: application of the CHIMERE model and importance of biogenic secondary organic aerosols (Citation)Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics ASP
HuffmanChemically-resolved aerosol volatility measurements from two megacity field studies (Citation)Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics ASP
HuffmaChemically-resolved volatility measurements of organic aerosol from different sources (Citation)Environmental Science & Technology ASP
KuangDetermination of cloud condensation nuclei production from measured new particle formation events (Citation)Geophysical Research Letters ASP
LackAbsorption enhancement of coated absorbing aerosols: validation of the photo-acoustic technique for measuring the enhancement (Citation)Aerosol Science and Technology ASP
LaskinMolecular characterization of nitrogen-containing organic compounds in biomass burning aerosols using high-resolution mass spectrometry (Citation)Advances in Space Research ASP
LiuHygroscopic properties of CH3SO3Na, CH3SO3NH4, (CH3SO3)2Mg, and (CH3SO3)2Ca particles studied by micro-FTIR spectroscopy (Citation)The Journal of Physical Chemistry A ASP
MarleyMeasurements of aerosol absorption and scattering in the Mexico City Metropolitan Area during the MILAGRO field campaign: a comparison of results from the T0 and T1 sites (Citation)Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics ASP
MarleyThe impact of biogenic carbon sources on aerosol absorption in Mexico City (Citation)Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics ASP
ZhangEffects of entrainment on convective available potential energy and closure assumptions in convection parameterization (Citation)Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres ARM
MatsuiSpatial and temporal variations of aerosols around Beijing in summer 2006: Model evaluation and source apportionment (Citation)Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres ARM
McIntireWhy ozonolysis may not increase the hydrophilicity of particles (Citation)Atmospheric Environment ASP
McNaughtonObservations of heterogeneous reactions between Asian pollution and mineral dust over the Eastern North Pacific during INTEX-B (Citation)Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics ARM
MoffetMicroscopic characterization of carbonaceous aerosol particle aging in the outflow from Mexico City (Citation)Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics ASP
MohrCharacterization of primary organic aerosol emissions from meat cooking, trash burning, and motor vehicles with high-resolution aerosol mass spectrometry and comparison with ambient and chamber observations (Citation)Environmental Science & Technology ASP
MoosmullerAerosol light absorption and its measurement: a review (Citation)Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer ASP
NtelekosThe effects of aerosols on intense convective precipitation in the northeastern United States (Citation)Quarterly Journal Royal Meteorological Society ASP
Paredes-MirandaPrimary and secondary contributions to aerosol light scattering and absorption in Mexico City during the MILAGRO 2006 campaign (Citation)Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics ARM
PaulotIsoprene photooxidation: new insights into the production of acids and organic nitrates (Citation)Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics ARM
PaulotUnexpected epoxide formation in the gas-phase photooxidation of isoprene (Citation)Science ARM
ShillingLoading-dependent elemental composition of α-pinene SOA particles (Citation)Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics ARM
ShinozukaAerosol optical properties relevant to regional remote sensing of CCN activity and links to their organic mass fraction: airborne observations over Central Mexico and the US West Coast during MILAGRO/INTEX-B (Citation)Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics ARM
SlowikAn inter-comparison of instruments measuring black carbon content of soot particles (Citation)Aerosol Science and Technology ASP
SmithMolecular characterization of biomass burning aerosols using high-resolution mass spectrometry (Citation)Analytical Chemistry ASP
YuPrimary and secondary organic carbon downwind of Mexico City (Citation)Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics ARM
BauerCharacterization of the Sunset semi-continuous carbon aerosol analyzers (Citation)J. Air & Waste Management Association ARM
UlbrichInterpretation of organic components from Positive Matrix Factorization of aerosol mass spectrometric data (Citation)Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics ASP
YokelsonEmissions from biomass burning in the Yucatan (Citation)Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics ARM
YuContamination from electrically conductive silicone tubing during aerosol chemical analysis (Citation)Atmospheric Environment ASP
ZhangComparisons of WRF/Chem simulations in Mexico City with ground-based RAMA measurements during the 2006-MILAGRO (Citation)Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics ASP
StreetsAnthropogenic and natural contributions to regional trends in aerosol optical depth, 1980–2006 (Citation)Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres ARM ASP
OkkonenIntrusion of warm Bering/Chukchi waters onto the shelf in the western Beaufort Sea (Citation)Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans ARM
KuangThe production of cloud condensation nuclei from new particle formation events (Citation)Geophysical Research Letters ARM ASP
PritchardEmpirical orthogonal function analysis of the diurnal cycle of precipitation in a multi-scale climate model (Citation)Geophysical Research Letters ARM
Finlayson-PittsHalogens in the troposphere (Citation)Analytical Chemistry ASP
SunHighly time- and size-resolved characterization of submicron aerosol particles in Beijing using an Aerosol Mass Spectrometer (Citation)Atmospheric Environment ASP
TianSimultaneous photoacoustic spectroscopy of aAerosol and oxygen A-band absorption for the calibration of aerosol light absorption measurements (Citation)Aerosol Science and Technology ASP
Villanueva-FierroGround Level Chemical Analysis of Air Transported from the 1998 Mexican-Central American Fires to the Southwestern USA (Citation)Revista Internacional de Contaminación Ambiental ASP
ZelenyukCharacterization of Organic Coatings on Hygroscopic Salt Particles and Their Atmospheric Impacts (Citation)Atmospheric Environment ASP