CPS Databases


Database Name Special
Tables Text Files
Labor Force Statistics including the National Unemployment Rate
(Current Population Survey - CPS)
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Weekly & Hourly Earnings
(Current Population Survey - CPS)
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Union Affiliation Data
(Current Population Survey - CPS)
  Top Picks One Screen Data Search   Tables Text Files
Marital and Family Labor Force Statistics
(Current Population Survey - CPS)
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Historical News Release Tables

Table Name Data Retrieval Wizard
Historical 'A' Tables (Household data): Previous years and months
Employment Situation News Release (monthly)
Current Population Survey (CPS)
Data Retrieval Wizard
Historical 'B' Tables (Establishment data): Previous years and months
Employment Situation News Release (monthly)
Current Employment Statistics (CES)
Data Retrieval Wizard
Weekly Earnings Tables: Previous quarters
Usual Weekly Earnings of Wage and Salary Workers News Release (quarterly)
Current Population Survey (CPS)
Data Retrieval Wizard
Union Affiliation Tables: Previous years
Union Members News Release (annual)
Current Population Survey (CPS)
Data Retrieval Wizard
Access to Historical Data Series by Subject: Previous years and months
Browse labor force, employment, unemployment, and other data by subject
Current Population Survey (CPS)
Data Retrieval Wizard

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