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The Division of Indian and Native American Programs mission is to contribute to the implementation of an integrated national workforce investment system that supports economic growth and provides workers with the information, advice, job search assistance, supportive services, and training in demand industries and occupations they need to get and keep good jobs and provide employers with skilled workers by: 1) providing national leadership, oversight, policy guidance, and technical assistance to the workforce investment system; 2) working collaboratively with other Federal agencies and partners and stakeholders, the continuum of education, and state and local governments to promote a strong economy by building a prepared and competitive workforce; and 3) managing strategically in order to ensure high performance, greater public accountability, and service quality.


  • Pursuant to Section 166(4) (h) (C), provide staff support to the Native American Employment and Training Council, which:
    • advises the Secretary on all aspects of the operation and administration of the Native American programs authorized under Section 166 of the Workforce Investment Act (WIA);
    • provides advice regarding the implementation of other programs providing services to Native American youth and adults under WIA consistent with statutory requirements;
    • advises the Secretary on matters that promote the employment and training needs of Indians and Native Americans, as well as enhance the quality of life in accordance with the Indian Self-Determination Act and Education Assistance Act; and
    • provides guidance to the Secretary on ways for Indians, Alaska Natives, and Native Hawaiians to successfully access Department discretionary funding and participate in special initiatives.
  • Promote the development and implementation of innovative career exploration and workforce strategies for American Indians and Alaska Natives to facilitate their entry and advancement in jobs in high-growth, high-demand industries.
  • Collaborate with ETA offices, Federal agencies, intergovernmental organizations, and other strategic partners to integrate and leverage investment of resources and to promote system change to help job seekers find a path into or remain in middle class jobs.
  • Interpret statutory and regulatory provisions and provide program direction and policy guidance to the workforce investment system for programs serving American Indians and Alaska Natives that are funded under WIA, Wagner-Peyser, and related workforce Investment programs.
  • Manage grant solicitations for programs as authorized by the Assistant Secretary.
  • Grant management and oversight of investments and support for Federal Project Officers in managing program grantees.
  • Prepare budget materials; analyze program and financial performance; develop legislation, regulations, and policy guidance; develop GPRA goals and performance standards; develop and provide technical assistance; coordinate and links with agencies inside and outside the Department on workforce education strategies.
  • Work collaboratively with Regional Offices and other ETA Offices in the development of capacity building and technical assistance strategies for grantees, states, and local areas to enhance the delivery and performance of programs.
  • Provide guidance to the workforce system on integrated, solutions-based service delivery strategies, such as methods of assessment, career guidance strategies, business engagement, approaches to leveraging resources, and others.
  • Develop mechanisms to identify, capture, and communicate strategies, approaches, and products developed by grantees that result in successful outcomes.
  • Provide guidance, technical assistance, and support for system governance functions, including WIA state strategic planning, modification process, waivers, complaints, and appeals.


About the Division of Indian and Native American Programs

Native American Employment and Training Council



The mission of the Division of National Programs, Tools, and Technical Assistance is to contribute to the implementation of an integrated national workforce investment system that provides workers with the job search assistance and information on labor markets, occupations, careers, and supportive services they need to get and keep good jobs, that delivers employment and training services to targeted populations, and that improves the workforce system's capacity to deliver integrated high quality programs to jobseeker and employers. The division achieves this by: 1) providing national leadership, oversight, policy guidance, and technical assistance to the workforce investment system; 2) working collaboratively with other Federal agencies and partners and stakeholders, the continuum of education, and state and local governments; and 3) strategically managing programs and initiative to ensure high performance, greater public accountability, and service quality.


Older Workers Unit

  • Manages and oversees grants and investments, manages SCSEP national grant solicitations, and provides support for regional Federal Project Officers in managing SCSEP grantees.
  • Oversees national reporting system for SCSEP grantees, SPARQ, and reviews program and performance data to continuously improve program operations.
  • Develop and promote system-wide capacity for delivery of services to older workers.

Specialty National Programs Unit

  • Administers four program areas that focus on targeted worker populations: National Farmworker Jobs Program; migrant and seasonal farmworker Monitor Advocate activities; services for individuals with disabilities, including the Disability Employment Initiative; and the Work Opportunity Tax Credit program.
  • Manages and oversees grants and investments, provides technical assistance and training, manages grant solicitations, and provides support for regional Federal Project Officers in managing specialty national program grantees.
  • Develops and promote public workforce system capacity for delivery of services to targeted populations, including individuals with disability and migrant and seasonal farmworkers.

System and Career Planning Tools (aka E-tools) Unit

  • Updates and supports national electronic tools to provide career guidance, information, tools, and products for use by workforce system partners, career counselors, job seekers, employers, veterans, students, and the public, including assessment guidance, 0*NET, the Competency Model Initiative, mySkills myFuture, My Next Move and the suite of electronic tools found at
  • Develops workforce information policy guidance, and provides and manages grants to states to national, state, regional, and local workforce information that promote informed decision making.
  • Makes strategic investments and collaborates in the development of interactive Web-based tools that capture information from a variety of databases and support regional and community analysis to underpin strategic planning, cluster analysis, benchmarking, and assessment of interventions.

Technical Assistance Unit

  • Builds the capacity of the workforce investment system to implement new and existing ETA programs and initiatives, including collaboration with ETA offices, Federal agencies, intergovernmental organizations, and other strategic partners to promote system change.
  • Coordinates the development, implementation, and integration of ETA's technical assistance strategy and investments.
  • Manages ETA's on-line technical assistance platform to encourage peer-to-peer learning, connect to subject matter experts, and disseminate model approaches, tools, products information, and curriculum flowing from innovative WIA formula-funded and discretionary grants.

All Units

  • Develops mechanisms to identify, capture, and communicate strategies, approaches, and products developed by grantees that resulted in successful outcomes.
  • Works in collaboration with other ETA offices and within OWI to promote development of innovative, integrated, and workforce solutions.
  • Interprets statutory and regulatory provisions, provides program direction and policy guidance, provides technical assistance on legislation, and revises and promulgates regulations.
  • Works collaboratively with Regional Offices and other ETA Offices in the development of capacity building and technical assistance strategies for grantees, states, and local areas to enhance the delivery and performance of programs.
  • Develops mechanisms to identify, capture, and communicate strategies, approaches, and products developed by grantees that resulted in successful outcomes.
  • Prepares budget materials; analyzes program and financial performance; develops legislation, regulations, and policy guidance; develops GPRA goals and performance standards; develops and provides technical assistance; coordinates and links with agencies inside and outside the Department on workforce education strategies.


Links To Key Programs, Initiatives, and One-Pagers

America's Service Locator

America's Career Infonet

Career OneStop

Certification Finder

Competency Model Clearinghouse

Disaster Recovery Services

Electronic Tools Web Casts - All of the USDOL Electronic Tools Web casts can be found at the following link:

They are also available separately, at the following links:

Employer Locator

Local Employment Dynamics

Lower Living Standard Income Level Guideline

My Next Move

My Next Move for Veterans

mySkillsmy Future

Migrant and Seasonal Farmworkers -

O*NET Data Collection

O*Net OnLine

Refugee Resettlement

Senior Community Service Employment Program

State Job Banks

Toll-Free Help Line (1-877-US2-JOBS, TTY: 1-877-889-5627)

Veterans ReEmployment


Work Opportunity Tax Credit Program

Worker ReEmployment Portal

DisAbility On-Line -



The Division of Strategic Investment's mission is to contribute to the implementation of an integrated national workforce investment system that supports economic growth and provides workers with the information, advice, job search assistance, supportive services, and training in demand industries and occupations they need to get and keep good jobs and provide employers with skilled workers by: 1) providing national leadership, oversight, policy guidance, and technical assistance to the workforce investment system; 2) working collaboratively with other Federal agencies and partners and stakeholders, the continuum of education, and state and local governments to promote a strong economy by building a prepared and competitive workforce; and 3) managing investments strategically to ensure high performance, greater public accountability, and service quality.

  • DSI implements sector-based grant programs and special initiatives that are designed to assist communities, educators, businesses, and job seekers (both employed and unemployed) to compete in a changing global economy. DSI has responsibility for the following grant programs:
    1. Trade Adjustment Assistance Community College and Career Training (TAACCCT)
    2. Job Accelerator and Innovation Challenges (JAIC)
    3. H-1B Technical Skills Training Grants (H1B)
    4. Green Jobs Innovation Fund (GJIF)
    5. Community-Based Job Training Grants (CBJTG)
    6. High Growth Job Training Initiative (HGJTI)
    7. ARRA High Growth and Emerging Industry Grants (ARRA HGEI)
  • Additionally, DSI staffs other agency and office initiatives such as the ETA-HRSA Task Force, the Aging Worker, and Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) Initiatives, and technical assistance activities.


  • Develop Solicitations for Grant Applications, and then related materials such as Prospective Applicant Conferences, Panelist Orientation, Announcement Materials, and Grantee Descriptions
  • Develop and implement the performance reporting requirements for grantees, including guiding the technology developed for grantee and ETA use and providing training for Federal Project Officers and grantees on performance reporting
  • Provide input for the design of the evaluations for programs
  • Develop and distribute program guidance to ETA staff for consistent administration of programs (allowable use of funds, grantee requests for modifications, performance reporting)
  • Provide program and performance information to inquiries from the Administration, Congress, General Accountability Office, Inspector General, and others
  • Conduct new grantee orientations and ongoing grantee technical assistance to ensure that grantees meet performance goals and deliverables
  • Direct any technical assistance provided through cooperative agreements or contracts as available

Links To Key Programs, Initiatives, and One-Pagers

ARRA Grants

Community-Based Job Training Grants

Green Jobs Initiatives

H-1B Technical Skills Training Grants

Health Care Initiatives

Trade Adjustment Assistance Community College and Career Training grants (TAACCCT)

Archives (High Growth Job Training Initiative)



 The Division of WIA Adult Services and Workforce System's mission is to contribute to the implementation of an integrated national workforce investment system that supports economic growth and provides workers with the information, advice, job search assistance, supportive services, and training in demand industries and occupations they need to get and keep good jobs and provide employers with skilled workers by: 1) providing national leadership, oversight, policy guidance, and technical assistance to the workforce investment system; 2) working collaboratively with other Federal agencies and partners and stakeholders, the continuum of education, and state and local governments to promote a strong economy by building a prepared and competitive workforce; and 3) managing strategically in order to ensure high performance, greater public accountability, and service quality.

The Division of Adult Services and Workforce System (DASWS) oversees comprehensive Adult and Dislocated Worker Programs and guidance for the workforce investment system. Services provided by these programs help millions of Americans receive workforce preparation and placement services. Included among these programs are:

  • Workforce Investment Act (WIA) Adult Program
  • WIA Dislocated Worker Program
  • Wagner-Peyser-Funded Services


  • Work collaboratively with other Federal departments and across DOL and ETA to provide guidance, and support for system governance functions including Workforce Investment Act (WIA) state strategic planning, modification process, waivers, complaints, and appeals.
  • Interpret statutory and regulatory provisions and provide program direction and policy guidance to the workforce investment system for adult and dislocated worker programs funded under WIA and Wagner-Peyser.
  • Work in collaboration with other ETA offices and within OWI to promote development of innovative, integrated, and workforce solutions for targeted adult populations such as dislocated workers, and veterans
  • Manage grant solicitations for programs as authorized by the Assistant Secretary.
  • Grant management and oversight of investments and support for Regional Federal Project Officers in managing adult and dislocated worker program grantees.
  • Provide technical assistance on legislation, and revises and promulgates regulations for adult and dislocated worker programs.
  • Prepare budget materials; analyzes program and financial performance; develops legislation, regulations, and policy guidance; develops GPRA goals and performance standards; develops and provides technical assistance; coordinates and links with agencies inside and outside the Department on workforce education strategies.
  • Work collaboratively with Regional Offices and other ETA Offices in the development of capacity building and technical assistance strategies for grantees, states, and local areas to enhance the delivery and performance of WIA Formula and competitive programs for adults and dislocated workers.
  • Develop and implement innovative adult and workforce development models.
  • Promote the development and implementation of innovative career exploration and workforce strategies for adults to facilitate their entry and advancement in jobs in high-growth, high-demand industries.
  • Provide guidance to the workforce system on integrated, solutions-based service delivery strategies, such as methods of assessment, career guidance strategies, business engagement, approaches to leveraging resources, and others.
  • Develop mechanisms to identify, capture, and communicate strategies, approaches, and products developed by grantees that resulted in successful outcomes.

Links To Key Programs, Initiatives, and One-Pagers

Adult Services Home Page

Gold Card

Policy Guidance

State Plans/Annual Reports

Veterans Priority of Service

Wagner-Peyser Funded Program


WIA Adult and Dislocated Worker Programs

Worker Profiling and Reemployment Services



The Division of Youth Services' mission is to contribute to the implementation of an integrated national workforce investment system that supports economic growth and provides workers with the information, advice, job search assistance, supportive services, and training in demand industries and occupations they need to get and keep good jobs and provide employers with skilled workers by: 1) providing national leadership, oversight, policy guidance, and technical assistance to the workforce investment system; 2) working collaboratively with other Federal agencies and partners and stakeholders, the continuum of education, and state and local governments to promote a strong economy by building a prepared and competitive workforce; and 3) managing strategically in order to ensure high performance, greater public accountability, and service quality.


  • Designing, developing, and administering workforce investment activities and strategies designed that effectively prepare a pipeline of youth, with particular focus on the neediest youth, with the skills businesses need in high growth, high-demand industries and connect them to good jobs with career pathways.
  • Working collaboratively within OWI and with other ETA Offices in the development of strategic plans and budgets; regulatory interpretation and policy guidance; performance management and continuous improvement systems and initiatives; and technical assistance strategies.
  • Providing leadership, direction, and evaluating performance of the ETA-funded youth employment and training services, and state and local government formula and discretionary grant programs administered by workforce investment boards.
  • Promoting the alignment of Federal, state, and local resources for youth services to insure that available youth funds are effectively coordinated into a comprehensive delivery system for youth employment and training services.
  • Delivering efficient, effective and customer focused technical assistance services to build the capacity of partners and stakeholders to deliver quality services to all youth, particularly those most disadvantaged.


  • Interpret statutory and regulatory provisions and provide program direction and policy guidance to the workforce investment system for programs funded under WIA for youth.
  • Work in collaboration with other ETA offices and within OWI to promote development of innovative, integrated workforce solutions for targeted youth populations such as out-of-school youth, individuals with disabilities, youth offenders, children in foster care or aging out of foster care, homeless youth, and other neediest youth.
  • Manage grant solicitations for programs funded under the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) for youth, and youth and adult ex-offenders as required by statute and regulation and/or utilizing discretionary funding as authorized by the Assistant Secretary.
  • Grant management and oversight of youth investments and support for Regional Federal Project Officers in managing youth program grantees.
  • Provides technical assistance on legislation, and revises and promulgates regulations for youth programs.
  • Prepare budget materials; analyzes program and financial performance; develops legislation, regulations, and policy guidance; develops GPRA goals and performance standards; develops and provides technical assistance; coordinates and links with agencies inside and outside the Department on youth workforce education strategies.
  • Prepare planning guidance for youth programs under WIA, review state plans, and prepare and approve necessary modifications and revisions, in collaboration with other ETA offices, as appropriate.
  • Work collaboratively with Regional Offices and other ETA Offices in the development of system building and technical assistance strategies for grantees, states, and local areas to enhance the delivery and performance of WIA Formula and competitive programs for youth.
  • Monitor and oversee youth program funding and activities.
  • Develop and implement innovative youth and workforce development models.
  • Promote the development and implementation of innovative career exploration and workforce strategies for youth to facilitate their entry into jobs in high-growth, high-demand industries.
  • Provide guidance to the workforce system on integrated, solutions-based service delivery strategies such as methods of assessment, career guidance strategies, business engagement, approaches to leveraging resources, and others.
  • Develop and promote system-wide capacity for delivery of services to out-of-school youth and ex-offenders.
  • Develop mechanisms to identify, capture, and communicate strategies, approaches, and products developed by grantees that resulted in successful outcomes.

Links To Key Programs, Initiatives, and One-Pagers

Reintegration of ExOffenders (ReXO)


Youth Discretionary Programs

Youth Formula Programs