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Office of Workforce Investment - Administrator

Grace A. Kilbane

Office of Workforce Investment
Employment and Training Administration
U.S. Department of Labor

Grace A. Kilbane currently serves as the Administrator for the Office of Workforce Investment. This includes responsibility for WIA programs for adults, dislocated workers, youth, and special populations including migrants, Indians/Native Americans, older workers, and disabled workers; the One-Stop system, including the Employment Service, Labor Market Information and the electronic tools; and discretionary investments through competitive grant programs such as the TAACCCT and Workforce Innovation grants. Grace has served in many key executive positions in the Employment and Training Administration (ETA) including Administrator of Job Corps, the Unemployment Insurance Service, the Trade Adjustment Assistance Act (TAA), Foreign Labor programs, and as Regional Administrator in Boston and Kansas City. She recently volunteered for an initiative spearheaded by the White House called Strong Cities Strong Communities and is working for a one-year period with colleagues from eight other Federal agencies to support the City of Cleveland's economic growth plans. This opportunity provides an experience to work again at the local level while, with her husband, being closer to family and friends in their "home town." Grace possesses a law degree (J.D.) and a Master of Science degree in Urban Studies from Cleveland State University and a Bachelor of Arts degree from Kent State University.  


Acting Administrator/Deputy Administrator

Amanda Ahlstrand is the Deputy Administrator for the Office of Workforce Investment at the Employment and Training Administration, and is currently serving as the Acting Administrator for the office. Amanda joined ETA in January 2003, as part of the Performance and Results Office, working across program offices to implement the common performance measures and providing training to the field on that topic. She joined OWI in Spring 2006 as part of the Business Relations Group, working with her team to facilitate employer engagement with the workforce system and implement a number of competitive grant programs including the Trade Adjustment Assistance Community College and Career Training grants, H1B Technical Skills Training grants, the ARRA competitive grants, and Community Based Job Training Grants. As Deputy Administrator for OWI, she oversees the Divisions of Strategic Investments and Youth Services. Prior to joining ETA in 2003, Ms. Ahlstrand worked for a private consulting firm, the U.S. Government Accountability Office, and the American Society for Training and Development. Ms. Ahlstrand has a Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics and Sociology from the University of Notre Dame and a Master of Public Policy degree from Georgetown University.