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Arvind Bhagwat
Kevin Chao
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Ronald Fayer
Jeffrey Karns
Moon Kim
Alan Lefcourt
Yaguang Luo
Patricia Millner
Xiangwu Nou
Yakov Pachepsky
Jitu Patel
Mónica Santín-Durán
Manan Sharma
Dan Shelton
Jo Ann Van Kessel
Andrey Guber
Won Jun
Jung-Woo Kim
Yongliang Liu
Chun-Chieh Yang

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Kevin Chao, Research Agricultural Engineer
10300 Baltimore Avenue
Building 303 BARC-East
Beltsville, MD 20705-2350
Phone: 301.504.8450 ext 260
Fax: 301.504.9466
Email: Kevin.Chao@ars.usda.gov

A publications list drawn from the ARS database for Kevin Chao is also available, with access to an abstract/summary for each publication.

2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009

For selected publications, click on the PDF icon icon to view the full article in PDF format. The free Adobe Acrobat Reader® is needed to view the PDF files on this page.


  1. Liu, Y., Chao, K., Kim, M.S., Tuschel, D., Oklhovyk, O., Priore, R.J. 2009. Potential of Raman spectroscopy and imaging methods for rapid and routine screening of the presence of melamine in animal feed and foods. Applied Spectroscopy. 63(4):477-480.
  2. Yang, C.-C., Chao, K., and Kim, M.S. 2009. Machine vision system for online inspection of freshly slaughtered chickens. Sensing and Instrumentation for Food Quality and Safety. 3(1):70-80.


  1. Chao, K., Kim, M.S., and Lawrence, K.C. 2008. Optical methods for food inspection. Sensing and Instrumentation for Food Quality and Safety. 2(2): 73-74.
  2. Click here to view or download a PDF file for this document Chao, K., Nou, X., Liu, Y., Kim, M.S., Chan, D.E., Yang, C., Patel, J.R., Sharma, M. 2008. Detection of fecal/ingesta contaminants on poultry processing equipment surfaces by visible and near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 24(11):49-55.
  3. Chao, K., Yang, C., and Kim, M.S. 2008. Line-scan spectral imaging system for online poultry carcass inspection. Journal of Food Process Engineering (accepted 08/28/2008)
  4. Click here to view or download a PDF file for this document Chao, K., Yang, C., Kim, M.S., and Chan, D.E. 2008. High throughput spectral imaging system for wholesomeness inspection of chicken. Applied Engineering in Agriculture 24(4): 475-485.
  5. Kim, M.S., Chen, Y.-R., Cho, B., Lefcourt, A.M., Chao, K., and Yang, C.-C. 2008. Online hyperspectral line-scan fluorescence imaging for safety inspection of apples. Acta Horticulturae. 768(1):385-390.
  6. Kim, M.S., Lee, K., Chao, K., Cho, B., Lefcourt, A.M., Jun, W., and Chan, D. 2008. Online multitasking imaging for safety and quality inspection of apples. Modern Physics Letter B. In press. (Accepted Mar. 5, 2008)
  7. Kim, M.S., Lee, K., Chao, K., Lefcourt, A.M, Jun, W., Chan, D.E. 2008. Multispectral line-scan imaging system for simultaneous fluorescence and reflectance measurements of apples: multitask apple inspection system. Sensing and Instrumentation for Food Quality and Safety. 2(2):123-129.
  8. Liu, Y., Chao, K., Kim, M.S., and Nou, X. 2008. Rapid screening and species identification of E. Coli, Listeria, and Salmonellaby SERS technique. In: Proceedings of SPIE, Volume 6983. SPIE Defense and Security 2008: Special Session on Food Safety, Visual Analytics, Resource Restricted Embedded and Sensor Networks, and 3D Imaging and Display. 698309.
  9. Click here to view or download a PDF file for this document Liu, Y., Chen, Y.R., Nou, X., Kim, M.S., and Chao, K.2008. Label-free SERS for rapid species identification of Escherichia Coli, Listeria Monocytogenes, and Salmonella Typhimuriumbacteria. Spectroscopy. 23(2):48-54.
  10. Qin, J., Burks, T., Kim, M.S., Chao, K., Ritenour, M.A. 2008. Citrus canker detection using hyperspectral reflectance imaging and PCA-based image classification method. Sensing and Instrumentation for Food Quality and Safety. 2(3): 168-177.

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  1. Click here to view or download a PDF file for this document Chao, K., Chen, Y.R., Ding, F., Yang, C.C., and Chan, D.E. 2007. Development of two-band color-mixing technique for identification of broiler carcass conditions. Journal of Food Engineering. 80(1):276-283.
  2. Click here to view or download a PDF file for this document Chao, K., Yang, C.C., Chen, Y.R., Kim, M.S., and Chan, D.E. 2007. Fast line-scan imaging system for broiler carcass inspection. Sensing and Instrumentation for Food Quality and Safety. 1:62-71.
  3. Chao, K., Yang, C.-C., Chen, Y.-R., Kim, M.S., and Chan, D.E. 2007. Hyperspectral-multispectral line-scan imaging system for automated poultry carcass inspection applications for food safety. Poultry Science. 86(11):2450-2460.
  4. Click here to view or download a PDF file for this document Chen, Y.R., Liu, Y., Nou, X., and Chao, K. 2007. Development of SERS spectroscopy for routine and rapid identification of Escherichia Coli and Listeria Monocytogenes on silver colloidal nanoparticles. In: NSTI-Nanotech 2007 Technical Proceedings. 2:549-552.
  5. click here to view the PDF of this article Kim, M.S., Chen, Y.R., Cho, B.K., Chao, K., Yang, C., Lefcourt, A.M., and Chan, D. 2007. Hyperspectral reflectance and fluorescence line-scan imaging for online defect and fecal contamination inspection of apples. Sensing and Instrumentation for Food Quality and Safety. 1(3):151-159.
  6. Click here to view or download a PDF file for this document Liu, Y., Chen, Y.R., Nou, X., and Chao, K. 2007. Potential of surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy for the rapid identification of Escherichia Coli and Listeria monocytogenes cultures on silver colloidal nanoparticles. Applied Spectroscopy. 61(8):824-831.

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  1. Chao, K., Yang, C.C., Chen, Y.R., Chan, D.E., and Kim, M.S. 2006. Poultry carcass inspection by a fast line-scan imaging system: results from in-plant testing. In: Chen, Y.R., Meyer, G.E., S.I. Tu, editors. Proceedings of SPIE, Volume 6381. Optics for Natural Resources, Agriculture, and Foods, October 3, 2006, Boston, Massachusetts. 6381:63810V.
  2. Click here to view or download a PDF file for this document Ding, F., Chen, Y.R., Chao, K., and Chan, D.E. 2006. Two-color mixing for classifying agricultural products for safety and quality. Applied Optics. 45(4):668-677.
  3. Click here to view or download a PDF file for this document Ding, F., Chen, Y.R., Chao, K., and Kim, M.S. 2006. Three-color mixing for classifying agricultural products for safety and quality. Applied Optics. 45(15):3516-3526.
  4. Kim, M.S., B.K. Cho, Yang, C.C., Chao, K., A.M. Lefcourt, and Chen, Y.R. 2006. Hyperspectral reflectance and fluorescence line-scan imaging system for online detection of fecal contamination on apples. In: Chen, Y.R., G.E. Meyer, S.I. Tu, editors. Proceedings of SPIE, Volume 6381. Optics for Natural Resources, Agriculture, and Foods, October 3, 2006, Boston, Massachusetts. 6381:63810P.
  5. Click here to view or download a PDF file for this document Liu, Y., Chao, K., Chen, Y.R., Kim, M.S., Nou, X., Chan, D.E., and Yang, C.C. 2006. Comparison of visible and near infrared reflectance spectroscopy for the detection of faeces/ingesta contaminants for sanitation verification at slaughter plants. Journal of Near Infrared Spectroscopy. 14(5):325-331.
  6. Liu, Y., Chao, K., Chen, Y.R., Kim, M.S., Nou, X., Chan, D.E., and Yang, C.C. 2006. Detection of fecal/ingesta contaminants at slaughter plants from a number of characteristic visible and near-infrared bands. In: Chen, Y.R., G.E. Meyer, S.I. Tu, editors. Proceedings of SPIE, Volume 6381. Optics for Natural Resources, Agriculture, and Foods, October 3, 2006, Boston, Massachusetts. 6381:63810U.
  7. Yang, C.C., Chan, D.E., Chao, K., Chen, Y.R., and Kim, M.S. 2006. Development of online line-scan imaging system for chicken inspection and differentiation. In: Chen, Y.R., G.E. Meyer, S.I. Tu, editors. Proceedings of SPIE, Volume 6381. Optics for Natural Resources, Agriculture, and Foods, October 3, 2006, Boston, Massachusetts. 6381:63810Y.
  8. Click here to view or download a PDF file for this document Yang, C.C., Chao, K., Chen, Y.R., Kim, M.S., and Chan, D.E. 2006. Development of fuzzy logic based differentiation algorithm and fast line-scan imaging system for chicken inspection. Biosystems Engineering. 95(4):483-496.
  9. Click here to view or download a PDF file for this document Yang, C.C., Chao, K., Chen, Y.R., Kim, M.S., and Early, H.L. 2006. Simple multispectral image analysis for systemically diseased chicken identification. Transactions of the ASABE. 49(1):245-257.

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  1. Click here to view or download a PDF file for this document Chao, K., Chen, Y.R., Ding, F., and Chan, D.E. 2005. Characterizing wholesome and unwholesome chickens by CIELUV color difference. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 21(4):653-659.
  2. Ding, F., Chen, Y.-R., and Chao, K. 2005. Application of color mixing for safety and quality inspection of agricultural products. In: Chen, Y.R., Meyer, G.E., Tu, S.I., editors. Proceedings of SPIE, Volume 5996. Optical Sensors and Sensing Systems for Natural Resources and Food Safety and Quality, October 23-24, 2005, Boston, Massachusetts. 5996:59960R.
  3. Click here to view or download a PDF file for this document Ding, F., Chen, Y.R., and Chao, K.2005. Two-waveband color-mixing binoculars for the detection of wholesome and unwholesome chicken carcasses. Applied Optics. 44(26):5454-5462.
  4. Click here to view or download a PDF file for this document Yang, C.C., Chao, K., and Chen, Y.R. 2005. Development of multispectral imaging processing algorithms for identification of wholesome, septicemic, and inflammatory process chickens. Journal of Food Engineering. 69(2):225-234.
  5. Click here to view or download a PDF file for this document Yang, C.C., Chao, K., Chen, Y.R., and Early, H.L. 2005. Systemically diseased chicken identification using multispectral images and region of interest analysis. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. 49(2):255-271.


  1. Click here to view or download a PDF file for this document Chao, K., Chen, Y.R., and Chan, D.E. 2004. A spectroscopic system for high speed inspection of poultry carcasses. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 20(5):683-690.

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  1. Click here to view or download a PDF file for this document Chao, K., Chen, Y.R., and Chan, D.E. 2003. Analysis of Vis/NIR spectral variations of wholesome, septicemia, and cadaver chicken samples. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 19(4):453-458.
  2. Yang, C.-C., Chao, K., and Chen, Y.R. 2003. Development of multispectral imaging processing algorithms for food safety inspection on poultry carcasses. American Society of Agricultural Engineers. ASAE Paper No. 03-3054.


  1. Chao, K., Chen, Y.R., Chan, D., and Kang, S. 2002. Analysis of Vis/NIR Spectral varations of wholesome and unwholesome chicken meat. American Society of Agricultural Engineers. ASAE Paper No. 02-3062.
  2. Click here to view or download a PDF file for this document Chao, K. , Chen, Y.R., Hruschka, W.R., and Gwozdz, F.B. 2002. On-line inspection of poultry carcasses by a dual-camera system. Journal of Food Engineering. 51(3):185-192.
  3. Click here to view or download a PDF file for this document Chao, K., Liu, Y., Chen, Y.R., Thayer, D.W., and Hruschka, W.R. 2002. Characterization of spectral variations of irradiated chicken breasts with 2D correlation spectroscopy. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 18(6):745-750.
  4. Click here to view or download a PDF file for this document Chao, K., Mehl, P.M., and Chen, Y.R. 2002. Use of hyper- and multi-spectral imaging for detection of chicken skin tumors. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 18(1):113-119.
  5. Click here to view or download a PDF file for this document Chen, Y.R., Chao, K., and Hruschka, W.R. 2002. On-Line automated inspection of poultry carcasses by machine vision. In: Proceedings of the World Congress of Computers in Agriculture and Natural Resources, March 13-15, 2002, Iguacu Falls, Brazil. p. 78-85. ASAE Publication No. 701P0301
  6. Click here to view or download a PDF file for this document Chen, Y.R., Chao, K., and Kim, M.S. 2002. Machine vision technology for agricultural applications. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. 36(2-3):173-191.
  7. Click here to view or download a PDF file for this document Kang, S., Kim, M.S., Chao, K., Kim, I., and Chen, Y.R. 2002. Chicken disease characterization by fluorescence spectroscopy. American Society of Agricultural Engineers. ASAE Paper No. 02-3061.
  8. Click here to view or download a PDF file for this document Kim, M.S., Lefcourt, A.M., Chao, K., Chen, Y.R., Kim, I., and Chan, D.E. 2002. Multispectral detection of fecal contamination on apples based on hyperspectral imagery: Part I. Application of visible and near-infrared reflectance imaging. Transactions of the ASAE. 45(6):2027-2037.
  9. Click here to view or download a PDF file for this document Kim, M.S., Lefcourt, A.M., Chen, Y.R., Kim, I., Chan, D.E., and Chao, K. 2002. Multispectral detection of fecal contamination on apples based on hyperspectral imagery: Part II. Application of hyperspectral fluorescence imaging. Transactions of the ASAE. 45(6):2039-2047.
  10. Click here to view or download a PDF file for this document Mehl, P.M., Chao, K., Kim, M.S. and Chen, Y.R. 2002. Detection of defects on selected apple cultivars using hyperspectral and multispectral image analysis. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 18(2):219-226.
  11. Park, B., Lawrence., K.C., Windham, W.R., Chen, Y.R., and Chao, K. 2002. Discriminant analysis of dual-wavelength spectral images for classifying poultry carcasses. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. 33:219-231.

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  1. Chao, K., Mehl, P.M., Kim, M.S., and Chen, Y.R. 2001. Detection of chicken skin tumors by multispectral imaging. In: Chen, Y.R., Tu, S.I., editors. Proceedings of SPIE, Volume 4206. Photonic Detection and Intervention Technologies for Safe Food, November 5-6, 2000, Boston, Massachusetts. 4206:214-223.
  2. Click here to view or download a PDF file for this document Chao, K., Chen, Y.R., Hruschka, W.R., and Park, B. 2001. Chicken heart disease characterization by multi-spectral imaging. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 17(1):99-106.
  3. Chen, Y.R., Chao, K., Hruschka, W.R., and Liu, Y. 2001. Advances in sensing technologies for poultry inspection. In: DeShazer, J.A., G.E.Meyer, editors. Optics in Agriculture 1990-2000, A Critical Review. Bellingham, WA: SPIE Optical Engineering Press. p.140-181.
  4. Click here to view or download a PDF file for this document Gates, R.S., Chao, K., and Sigrimis, N. 2001. Identifying design parameters for fuzzy control of staged ventilation control systems. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. 31(1):61-74.
  5. Kim, M.S., Chao, K., Chen, Y.R., Chan, D.E., and Mehl, P.M. 2001. Hyperspectral imaging system for food safety: detection of fecal contamination on apples. In: Chen, Y.R., Tu, S.I., editors. Proceedings of SPIE, Volume 4206. Photonic Detection and Intervention Technologies for Safe Food, November 5-6, 2000, Boston, Massachusetts. 4206:174-184.
  6. Mehl, P.M., Chao, K., Kim, M.S., and Chen, Y.R. 2001. Detection of contamination on selected apple cultivars using reflectance hyperspectral and multispectral analysis. In: Chen, Y.R., Tu, S.I., editors. Proceedings of SPIE, Volume 4206. Photonic Detection and Intervention Technologies for Safe Food, November 5-6, 2000, Boston, Massachusetts. 4206:201-213.


  1. Click here to view or download a PDF file for this document Chao, K., Gates, R.S., and Sigrimis, N. 2000. Fuzzy logic controller design for staged heating and ventilating systems. Transactions of the ASAE 43(6):1885-1894.
  2. Chao, K., Park, B., Chen, Y.R., Hruschka, W.R., and Wheaton, F.W. 2000. Design of a dual-camera system for poultry carcasses inspection. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 16(5):581-587.

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Environmental Microbial and Food Safety Laboratory
Henry A. Wallace Beltsville Agricultural Research Center, Beltsville, MD 20705
Building 183 BARC-East, Phone: 301.504.5607

Last Modified: 04/08/2009
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