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An official website of the United States Government.

Open Government Blog

Posted 4:57 PM by

You Have Questions…We Have Answers

We have created a searchable Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) site designed to make finding and sharing information more efficient for our employees, external stakeholders and you, the general public.

The searchable FAQs are available at and contain information across all program areas. You can search for information using common language (e.g., What is Open Government?) or browse by topic (e.g., Senior Executive Service). Answers to your questions are displayed immediately and a list of the Top10 Questions is also available for review. Many questions can be answered right away with FAQs. Why wait in line on the phone? Go online today. Ready, set, search!!!

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Dan Haney
7/14/2011 at 12:21 PM
If a person is a FERS employee with under five years but has bought back military time of over five years-can that person retire now or do they have to complete the full five years of work as a civilian?
Bethany Letalien
7/14/2011 at 1:06 PM

Mr. Haney,

The kind of specific question you ask has to go to the proper office because it's too technical for us to answer here in Open Government. While you're employed by the Federal government, the best place to start is usually your agency's human resources department; they're in the best position to help you with the fine details.

That said, you can submit a message to the people at OPM who are most knowledgeable about your subject through the FAQs engine. Just enter your search terms, and if none of the Q&As meet your needs, click on "submit a question." Again, this will ensure your question gets to the right people.

Thank you!

Steve Bellin
7/23/2011 at 12:42 PM
I am a retiree on disability and have had my annuity "adjusted" no fewer than 6 times since 2008. Not only are there no fewer than 7 numerical errors to be found in my Retirement Benefits booklet (including an incorrect retirement date), but I was recently informed that I've been "overpaid" by $6,239.33. I have tried to contact a PERSON at OPM by phone and by letters (2) to correct this. I've received either no or totally useless responses. On 7/22/11 I received a notice that $173.31 would be deducted from my annuity for the next 36 months. My letters (the unanswered ones) have provided proof conclusively that I "MIGHT" have been overpaid only $879.29 (excluding federal taxes totalling $10,800.13 already paid by me). Representatives in the OPM legal claims department keep referring me to addresses and phone numbers in either Pennsylvania or Washington, DC. I need to have my letters read and answered and/or have a human IN AUTHORITY, WITH MY CASE FILE IN HAND, review with me the evidence I have already provided in my 2 letters and either explain or correct all of the obvious errors associated with my claim, and to show me via real numbers how they arrived at ANY of the 6 different figures they say represent my true annuity amount. If anyone in authority reads this posting and can guide me to a real human being capable of handling my concerns, please respond to me or contact someone who can offer real, personal help. Thank you.
Jackie Dyson
8/2/2011 at 3:47 PM
Where can I find the qualifications and a complete description for the 1101 series? I see a job announcement but cannot find the series information. Thank You!
Jon Sivert
8/8/2011 at 12:25 PM
What is the difference between a federal employee hired on in the competitive service and someone hired on as expected service? What would hinder an employee from expected service from doing a lateral to another agency? Thank you.
Hugh Miller
8/10/2011 at 1:17 AM
I have had family coverage I joined the civil service. I have been retired for 11 years and my wife passed away 3 years ago. If I chanage to self-only coverage and remarry at some future dare can I then reinstate family coverage for my new wife? Thank you very much.
Richard Lowe
8/24/2011 at 3:43 PM
Is there a phone number where I can talk to someone that knows ANYTHING? I am having a problam with the new health coverage I just got as a new DOD employee but all the robots hang up on me because I dont have a retirement number and every person I talk to sends me to robots that hang up on me. What is a good number to talk to a PERSON that knows about the DOD health insurance?
Pamela Henson
9/12/2011 at 9:07 AM
I have questions about my federal disability retirement application. I was approved on 6/27/11 and made MULTIPLE calls and emails with no response or useless answers. Is there any way to contact OPM?
Mark Corcoran
9/22/2011 at 6:48 PM
I have a question about a job I was determined to be intelligible for. I believe the determiniation to be wrong. I have tried contacting the listed employment contact: Brandi Matsumoto - (415)281-7081 several times but the phone number is never answered and there is no voicemail. How can I contact this person? Thank you.
Mark Corcoran
9/22/2011 at 6:49 PM
I have a question about a job I was determined to be intelligible for. I believe the determiniation to be wrong. I have tried contacting the listed employment contact: Brandi Matsumoto - (415)281-7081 several times but the phone number is never answered and there is no voicemail. How can I contact this person? Thank you.
Amado P Garcia
9/27/2011 at 4:50 PM
I am a retired usps employee and I need a copy of my latest ps 50 ?What agency do I get it from ?
Amado P Garcia
9/27/2011 at 4:50 PM
I am a retired usps employee and I need a copy of my latest ps 50 ?What agency do I get it from ?
Amado P Garcia
9/27/2011 at 4:50 PM
I am a retired usps employee and I need a copy of my latest ps 50 ?What agency do I get it from ?
Amado P Garcia
9/27/2011 at 4:50 PM
I am a retired usps employee and I need a copy of my latest ps 50 ?What agency do I get it from ?
1/23/2012 at 8:28 AM
The OPM announced on January 22, 2012 that on Monday, January 23, 2012 the Federal Government will be opening late. However, there was no communication between the OPM and MTA transit service. Commuter buses and Marc trains were operating on regular schedule. Many people that commute from Frederick, and Pennsylvania area were stuck with no transportation. Is it possible to take care of this problem in the future? Thanks
bryan waddell
2/7/2012 at 10:14 AM
I work at socom as a security clerk,years ago we were placed in the facilities office, we have been doing a lot of facilities work without geting paid for the work, we were told to put everything we did outside of work on our core doc and sign it which we did. then we were told that they were not going to upgrade us and being as we signed the core doc that we still had to do the work. now they want us to assume even more duties, we once again told them that we want to be paid for our work. now they are saying that they will rewrite the position and we could lose our position to a displaced federal employee, I am a disabled retired army veteran and i want to know if this is true
bryan waddell
2/7/2012 at 10:14 AM
I work at socom as a security clerk,years ago we were placed in the facilities office, we have been doing a lot of facilities work without geting paid for the work, we were told to put everything we did outside of work on our core doc and sign it which we did. then we were told that they were not going to upgrade us and being as we signed the core doc that we still had to do the work. now they want us to assume even more duties, we once again told them that we want to be paid for our work. now they are saying that they will rewrite the position and we could lose our position to a displaced federal employee, I am a disabled retired army veteran and i want to know if this is true
4/15/2012 at 9:51 PM
Can an agency back fill a position that was RIF'd several years ago?
Robert Hart
6/4/2012 at 2:19 PM
I am wondering who writes and is allowed to re write a persons position description?
Robert Hart
6/4/2012 at 2:20 PM
I am wondering who writes and is allowed to re write a persons position description?
Ronald Howard
7/17/2012 at 2:14 PM
Dear Sirs, I am a civil service retire , can you tell me if I have dental insurance, 020385300, 14 Fairview Ave, Amesbury, Ma.01913
Ronald Howard
7/17/2012 at 2:15 PM
Dear Sirs, I am a civil service retire , can you tell me if I have dental insurance, 020385300, 14 Fairview Ave, Amesbury, Ma.01913
1/4/2013 at 10:55 AM
With increased taxes and possible furloughs for Gov't employees, OPM should allow employees the ability to change their healthcare plans anytime (not during Open Season) so that we can adjust our health care plans and prepare for the change in finances. The alternative would be to have another Open Season in Feb 2013 to give us an opportunity to change it then.

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