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Lebanon and Jordan

Foreign Relations of the United States, 1958–1960
Volume XI, Lebanon and Jordan, Document 361

361. Circular Telegram From the Department of State to Certain Diplomatic Missions and Consular Offices in Europe and the Middle East 11. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 780.00/10–2958. Secret; Priority. Drafted by Brewer and cleared by Hamilton, Rountree, and with DRN. Sent to Amman, Aleppo, Baghdad, Beirut, Cairo, Jerusalem, Damascus, London, Paris, and Tel Aviv.

523. Reports from field indicate number military measures being taken which might be linked imminent departure British troops from Jordan.22. In telegram 1303 from Cairo, October 29, the Embassy reported that UAR forces were on a full alert status, thought to be linked to the departure of British troops from Jordan. (Ibid., 785.5411/10–2958) Dept had expressed to Fonmin Fawzi (October 24) and Israeli Embassy (October 27) fact we have no reason believe aggression being planned in area but that attitude USG with respect aggression from any quarter in Middle East is well-known and has not changed since Suez. Limited info available not such as clearly to reflect aggressive intentions by either UAR or Israel; reports re UAR moves indicate they probably precautionary. Addressees are requested continue report urgently all developments their areas which might substantiate reports military measures now being taken or give indication of UAR or Israeli intentions.


1 Source: Department of State, Central Files, 780.00/10–2958. Secret; Priority. Drafted by Brewer and cleared by Hamilton, Rountree, and with DRN. Sent to Amman, Aleppo, Baghdad, Beirut, Cairo, Jerusalem, Damascus, London, Paris, and Tel Aviv.

2 In telegram 1303 from Cairo, October 29, the Embassy reported that UAR forces were on a full alert status, thought to be linked to the departure of British troops from Jordan. (Ibid., 785.5411/10–2958)