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Lebanon and Jordan

Foreign Relations of the United States, 1958–1960
Volume XI, Lebanon and Jordan, Document 284

284. Editorial Note

In briefing the National Security Council on August 21 concerning significant world developments affecting U.S. security, Allen Dulles offered the following assessment of developments relating to Jordan:

“The Jordanian situation, said Mr. Dulles, remained tense. Late last night a telegram had come in indicating that King Hussein was aware of his Prime Minister’s ultimatum to the United States and generally agreed with its reasoning. Mr. Dulles was very worried that the proposed UK resolutions would not automatically deal with the internal situations in countries like Jordan. Secretary Herter observed that the move in the UN was essentially an Arab League move and was designed to be a means of asserting authority not only over the Near East proper but over adjoining countries like the Sudan. This would pose quite a problem for the United States.” (Memorandum of discussion at the 377th Meeting of the National Security Council, prepared by Gleason on August 22; Eisenhower Library, Whitman File, NSC Records)