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Tag: War Production Board

For love of country

As the US involvement in World War II heightened, the nation faced many critical shortages. Certainly sugar and butter come to mind, as do images of children collecting bottle caps and pieces of glass. But “Mrs. Housewife” was called to her patriotic duty to conserve another good: household fats. The Conservation Division of the War [...]

NAMES AND KEYWORDS in RG 469: Records of U.S. Foreign Assistance Agencies

Today’s post is written by Robert Fahs, a processing archivist who works with civilian textual records. This is the second post in an occasional series. For the first post, go here. W. Averell Harriman, Jr.  (1891-1986) played a leading role in President Truman’s Point Four agencies, first as the United States Special Representative (1948-1950) responsible [...]


