10 December 2010

Podcast with Ambassador Carson on Côte d’Ivoire



In Washington, U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs Johnnie Carson told reporters December 9th, that the United States wants the era of bad elections in Africa to end. Carson called on Ivorian President Laurent Gbagbo to act like a statesman and hand over power and authority to Alassane Ouattara, who on November 28th won the second round of Côte d’Ivoire’s presidential election.

Assistant Secretary of State Johnnie Carson:

It is the determination of the U.S. government to do everything we can to ensure that the votes of all Ivorians are counted and respected and that the legitimately elected president of Côte d’Ivoire, Alassane Ouattara, is allowed to take office … as reflected by the votes.


If a peaceful transfer of power does not happen, the United States will take further steps such as travel bans and sanctions directed against President Gbagbo, his family and associates. Carson said the Ivorian people seek democracy, stability, development and economic opportunity. Carson also told reporters there is undisputed evidence showing that Alassane Ouattara won.

Assistant Secretary of State Johnnie Carson:

The United Nations, the African Union and the Economic Community of West African States [ECOWAS] and a number of international organizations observed the elections and said they were ‘free and fair’ and reflected the will of the people. 

There was relatively little violence, and so when the votes came to Abidjan and officials started to say people were unable to cast their ballots because of intimidation and violence, this was wrong — because there was no intimidation or violence and everybody had seen that votes had been cast properly.

We have seen in the case of Côte d’Ivoire the value of international observation and monitoring. We have seen the value of having a third source beyond the two competitors — to be able to certify the legitimacy of elections. We believe and hope that the era of bad elections [is] over. This should not happen. We hope that President Gbagbo will step aside, will do the mature, statesmanlike thing and … hand over power and authority to the person who actually won.


Carson told reporters the current African Union president, Malawian President Bingu wa Mutharika, has stated that he supports the determinations of the United Nations and the Economic Community Of West African States, or ECOWAS, that Ouattara won. Responding to a question about possible U.S. military intervention, Carson said the United States has no plans to engage or intervene in any way militarily in Côte d’Ivoire. Carson said the United States hopes that African voices and African pressure will be sufficient. Carson voiced support for the actions of  ECOWAS, which has suspended the Ivorian government led by President Gbagbo from participation in its organization. Carson also said he hopes the African Union will take similar steps.

Assistant Secretary of State Johnnie Carson:

I hope that the statements that have been made by ECOWAS two days ago that said very clearly that Alassane Ouattara had won the election and that Gbagbo had lost would be a signal of the views of the region, that it is time for Mr. Gbagbo to leave. The U.N. Security Council issued a presidential statement affirming its support for the report made by the special representative, Ambassador Choi. It endorsed the ECOWAS statement and we have also seen equally strong statements coming from leaders in the African Union.


West Africa has great promise and great potential, Carson said. Just as democracy has returned after five decades in Guinea-Conakry, the United States believes that it is time for the people of Côte d’Ivoire, after a decade of instability, to be allowed to have the democracy that they seek and desire.

Assistant Secretary of State Johnnie Carson:

We think that the era of stealing African elections is over.  This should be an example for all of Africa that this can no longer be tolerated. Theft of elections should not be a part of the democratic process. It is time for the leadership to allow the economic growth that has been stalled in Côte d’Ivoire to return.


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